Take To The Dungeon

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Next up is Su She. They see exactly the same thing in Jin Guangyao mind, they see Jin Guangyao talking to Su She in the front of the main room, then they see Jin Guangyao talking to Su She in his room, they even hear what the two of them are talking about. They hear Jin Guangyao telling Su She to put a curse on Jin Zixun so that they can frame Wei Wuxian instead, but one thing that they are about to see is, they couldn't believe what they are hearing and seeing.

"Have the Jin clan really gone that bad? Have they become just like the Wen clan?" Hearing all of this, Jin Zixuan couldn't believe what his father and brother have done to their clan.

"Everyone!" Jin Zixuan stood up while shouting this. They all looked at Jin Zixuan, " I will take over as sect leader for the Jin clan," Jin Zixuan turn his attention to Wei Wuxian, "Wei Wuxian, will you show me the three of them?"

Wei Wuxian looked at Lan Wangji, Lan Xichen and Jiang Cheng, "is okay A- Xian," Jiang Cheng smiled at Wei Wuxian. So he lowered the dark energy, the bright light shine down on Jin Guangyao, Jin Guangshan and Su She.

All three of them woke up due to the bright light on their face. When they finally adjusted their vision, they see where they are at.

"Zixuan! What is going on here? What is the meaning of this?!" Shouted Jin Guangshan who is banging on the bubble or glass shield.

Jin Zixuan walk over to where his father and brother is at, he turn to look at everyone around him, "Sect leader and heir, from this moment on Jin Guangyao and Jin Guangshan is banish from the Jin clan. They are no longer part of the Jin clan. I will step up as sect leader, I will make the Jin clan a righteous clan again."

Jin Zixuan look at Su She, "Sect leader Su will also get banish alone with the two traitors as well." Now he is look at Lan Xichen, "Zewu Jun, I will let you, Sect leader Jiang, Lan er gongzi and Wei Wuxian deal with them. I wash my hand from here on out, I won't deal with them anymore."

"Then don't worry Sect leader Jin Zixuan, we will know what to do with them," Lan Xichen turn to look at Wei Wuxian, "A-Xian?"

Wei Wuxian nodded his head, he opened up a portal, this portal will take them to the dungeon at NeverNight. "Zewu jun where does this go?"'one of the sect leader asked.

"I'm sorry but that is something we can't tell you."

As Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji take the three into the portal, the portal soon close up once Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji step into the portal as well. "Wei Wuxian! Where are you taken me?!" Shouted a still very angry Jin Guangshan.

"Shut your mouth Jin Guangshan." Wei Wuxian put the dark energy up so that he doesn't have to hear Jin Guangshan loud voice.

"What do you think we should put around this area?" Lan Wangji asked as they walk toward the dungeon. "Don't worry Lan Zhan, I already have that in mind. No one will hear them nor can they escape from this dungeon."

Once they are at the dungeon, Wei Wuxian put Jin Guangyao in one cell, Jin Guangshan in another cell and Su She in a cell next to the empty cell away from Jin Guangyao.

Wei Wuxian cover each cell with dark energy, he put a little bit light inside of the dark energy this way the three know that they are in a dark place, a place that they won't be able to get out of.

Then Wei Wuxian lock up each cell with a powerful energy, no one can break this energy and if they try then they will get a big shock of there life and that will be....death.

"How long do you think they will last?" Lan Wangji asked as he watch Wei Wuxian do his thing to keep the three here in the dungeon. "It will last for a very very very long time."

"You want them to died here?"


About an hour or so later, Wei Wuxian is done with the cell and putting all of the talisman around the area, "There all done. No one will know that they are here and also, no one will be able to break the spell nor the talisman around the area."

"Then let's head back to Cloud Recesse. We should wait until the conference is over to talk to Xiong Zhang about what we just did."

"Okay," so with that Wei Wuxian open up the portal again and this time the portal take them back to Cloud Recesse.

When night time come around Lan Xichen and Jiang Cheng walk to Jingshi, "Wangji, A-Xian."

The two look up to see Lan Xichen and Jiang Cheng walking into the room, "How did it go? With Jin Zixuan and the other sect leader?" Lan Wangji asked. He pour tea for his brother and Jiang Cheng, as they take a seats in front of him and Wei Wuxian.

"It went....quiet well at first but many of them doesn't understand why Jin Guangshan want his clan to be more powerful then any other clan?" Lan Xichen said this as he pick up the tea cup in front of him.

"Seriously? I mean we show them everything inside of Jin Guangshan mind and they still don't understand stand," Wei Wuxian sigh at this.

"Is hard to explain to them A-Xian, they won't believe our word over Jin Guangshan word. Beside, he pick himself to be a Xiandu, why? Because he rich and everyone re,y on him," Jiang Cheng.

"Mention of Xiandu, does Jin Zixuan want to take over the title?" Wei Wuxian asked. "No, he doesn't. He want someone to take over the title," Jiang Cheng answered Wei Wuxian questions.

"But who?" Wei Wuxian asked.

"Nie Xiong said, either Lan Xichen or his brother Nie Mingjue."


"Mingjue Xiong and I are going to talk about it. Once we come up with an answer then we will let everyone know," 'I just hope that I won't get much paperwork or requests from each of the clan. I do want to spend sometime with Wanyin after all.'

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