Here It Come

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Lan Zhan pull back to look at Wei Ying, "you know?" Lan Zhan nodded his head, "you don't hate me for not telling you myself?" Lan Zhan shake his head no again. "Is that the reason why you never take your sword with you?" Lan Zhan asked Wei Ying.


"If you have told me, I won't judge you, Wei Ying. I guess if I have told you my feeling early then you won't be afraid to tell me what happen to you."

"Even if you didn't tell me your feeling, Hanguang Jun then I will somehow find a way to tell you. I just need to find the right word to said it to you."

"Is alright Wei Ying."

"Did your brother tell you why he is here?" Wei Ying asked as the two walk back to the house. "No, I think I should ask him."

When the two got back to the house, they see LanXichen and Jiang Cheng is waiting for them. "I'm glad to see you two again. We need to talk," this got Wei Ying and Lan Zhan to look at each other then back to Jiang Cheng and Lan Xichen.

"Something wrong, Xiong zhang?" Lan Zhan asked his brother, "The Discussion Conference will be next week. We need to get everything in order before showing everyone what kind of person Jin Guangshan and Jin Guangyao is. This includes Su She as well."

Lan Xichen turn to his right to look at Jiang Cheng, "Wanyin, can you help me prepare for the conference?"

"Me? Why not your uncle?" Wei Ying can tell that Jiang Cheng is pouting but on the inside he is happy that Lan Xichen is asking him to help with the conference.

"Shifu said that since I am a sect leader now, it is my choice to either continue with this conference or not. So will you help me, Wanyin?" Lan Xichen smiled at Jiang Cheng.

This got Jiang Cheng to blush, all he can do is nodded his head.

"Then Wuxian, Wangji, when you two received my message then come okay?" Both Wei Ying and Lan Zhan nodded their head, "Wanyin, I will see you before the conference," with that Lan Xichen and Jiang Cheng went back to their own clan but before Jiang Cheng leave he handed Suibian back to Wei Ying.

"Keep your sword with you. Maybe, someday, somehow, any day or any year, you will and you might be able to form your golden core again. You are a fast learner after all, you formed your golden core at a young age even before me. Beside, this is your sword after all."

"Sect leader Jiang is right Wei Ying, you can still form your golden core again." This some how confuse Wei Ying, "okay," he take Suibian back into his hand, "Thank you Jiang Cheng." With that Jiang Cheng turn around and left from there.

When Jiang Cheng is gone, Wei Ying turn to look at Lan Zhan, "Lan Zhan, why did you said that I can still form my golden core?"

"I am not knowledge in medical but what I heard from Wen Qing is that she just separated your golden core from your meridian vein. That mean that you can still form a new one. As long as you can sit still and keep training with your sword. Your sword is a spiritual weapon after all."

Wei Ying look down at Suibian, "I never meant to abandon you, Suibian. From now on, I won't abandon you. I will do my best to get my core back so that I can wield you again."

A Week Later - Discussion Conference

Wei Ying and Lan Zhan is at the burial mound, Fengxi already left from there since she can tell that Wei Ying and Lan Zhan is heading toward the burial mound. The two look down at the three unconscious body on the ground, "let's see what the other will said about their Xiandu once they see who he really is."

Cloud Recesse

"Wanyin, are you ready?" Jiang Cheng nodded his head. Lan Xichen let go of the bird messenger, "let's go in, we need to let everyone know why they are here?" So the two walk toward the place where cloud Recesse have their guest lecture is at.

"Zewu Jun, why are we all here? If we are having a conference, why aren't we doing it at the Jin clan since Jin Guangshan is the cultivation world Xiandu?" Asked one of the sect leader.

"Where is he anyway? We don't see him, Jin Guangyao nor Sect leader Su?" Another sect leader asked.

"You will find out soon," just when Lan Xichen said that a portal open up in the middle of the room.

Let's go back before that happen - At the burial mound

While waiting for Lan Xichen message, Wei Ying put Jin Guangyao, Jin Guangshan and Su She into a black sphere. "That will do." Then Lan Zhan see his brother bird messenger, the bird landed on Lan Zhan arm.

When Lan Zhan take off the messages, he let the bird fly back to the Lan Clan. "Lan Zhan, what does the letter said?" Wei Ying asked.

"Xiong Zhang said that all of the major and minor sect is at the Lan clan right now. He said that we can bring the three of them now." Lan Zhan turn to look at Wei Ying, "Ready Wei Ying?"

"Mn. Let's go," Wei Ying open up a portal that take them from the burial mound into the Lan clan.

Cloud Recesse - Orchid Room

All of the sect leader watch as three dark sphere came out from the portal as it enter into the room. Then they see Wei Ying and Lan Zhan also enter into the room, "Wei Wuxian. Hanguang Jun."

"Wangji, Wuxian," the two nodded their head, Lan Xichen turn his attention back to all of the sect leader in the room, "now I can answer your question. Where is Jin Guangshan? Jin Guangyao and Sect leader Su? Well you see," Lan Xichen pointed at the three sphere, "inside of these three sphere is Sect leader Jin, Jin Guangyao and Sect leader Su."

"Zewu Jun, we don't understand what is going on here?"

"Why are they in the sphere?"

"Wei Wuxian what did you do to them?"

"Wei Ying did nothing to them. We will show you the truth, truth about the three of them."

With a snap of his finger, Wei Ying make a screen in black smoke appear above the three sphere. The first one belong to Jin Guangshan, the second one belong to Jin Guangyao and the third one belong to Su She, "Here it come."

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