Shijie Wedding

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About a month later, while Lan Zhan, Wei Ying, Wen Ning and Wen Yuan is out to sell their fruit and vegetables, a person in purple clothes walking up to them. "Wei Wuxian." Even though with a hat on that covered his face this person still know is him, Wei Ying take off the hat, "Jiang Cheng."

"Can we talk?" Jiang Cheng glanced at Lan Zhan who is glaring at him, "of course," Wei Ying turn to look at Wen Ning and Lan Zhan, "Can you two take over?"  He asked the two. They nodded their head, "Come on A-Yuan, how about lunch? Then we can buy lunch for Ning shushu and Rich gege?"


Wei Ying walk away from there with Jiang Cheng as they went to a nearby restaurant. Once they found one they went into the place. Wei Ying order some wine, food for A-Yuan and two order of different food to go.

"I never thought that you will be here, Wei Wuxian. If your nearby why didn't you come for a visit?" Asked Jiang Cheng.

"It is not that I don't want to Jiang Cheng. I'm afraid that someone from the Jin clan might be spying nearby."


Wei Ying nodded his head, "try to keep an eye out to the people in front of the Jiang clan. They might blend in with the town people there."

"Okay, I will keep that in mind." Jiang Cheng look at the child who is eating peacefully. "What is it that you want to talk to me about, Jiang Cheng?" Asked Wei Ying.

"A-Jie wedding will be in about a week or so. Can you come? I know that Jie will be very happy to see you."

Jiang Cheng can tell that Wei Ying doesn't want to come since he know what Jin Guangshan will want to said and what he want from Wei Ying. "You don't have to worry about Jin Guangshan. During some of the Discussion Conference Jin Guangshan keep on saying that you should hand over your Yin Hufu and how different you have become."

"Let me ask you this, did he somehow become the cultivation Xiandu?"


*Sigh* Wei Ying sigh. "Bad idea. He will do anything and say anything to get the other sect leader to be on his side."

"I won't fall for it. Even Zewu Jun and Chifeng Zun won't fall for it as well. No one can said anything to you while I am there. If you like Lan Wangji can come as well. I am sure that Zewu Jun would like to see his didi again."

"Okay, I will let Lan Zhan know. It about a week right?" Jiang Cheng nodded his head. "By the way, how is Wen Qing doing? I heard that Jin Guangshan is angry to know that he couldn't find any Wen remnant inside of Qishan nor inside of NeverNight."

"She doing alright. I'm glad that Jin Guangshan didn't captured any of the Wen remnant, he is the worst sect leader ever."

"Is Wen Qing living nearby as well?" Wei Ying have on a big smirk, "A-Cheng, do you like Wen Qing or something?" Wei Ying can see a blush on Jiang Cheng cheek. "Oh Sh-" Jiang Cheng didn't want to said bad word in front of a child.

"Sort out your feeling Jiang Cheng. Qing Jie is a very nice person, she care about her family a lot just like Shijie. I can't tell you where they are living right now? They are still in danger from the Jin clan and the other clan as well."

"That's true. But since they are in Yunmeng town, they are safe. I am a sect leader of this town after all."

"I know Jiang Cheng."

"Here is your to go order gongzi," Wei Ying gave a nod, the servant putted the order on the table for Wei Ying to take when he leave.

"I will make sure to come to Shijie wedding."

"And I will make sure no one will cause you trouble." Wei Ying smile as he nodded his head. After the talk all three left from there.

"Ning Shushu! Rich gege!" Lan Zhan and Wen Ning is packing up their thing since they already sell all of their fruit and vegetables for the days. "I am amaze, you two already sold the everything." Wei Ying handed the food to Wen Ning and Lan Zhan.

"Here, eat something before we head home."

After Wen Ning and Lan Zhan have finish eating, Wei Ying turn to look at Jiang Cheng, "I will see you at Shijie wedding then?"

"See you there and don't forget, if anyone is giving you trouble to call for me. I will be there with Jie and maybe Jin Zixuan will help as well."

"Okay," before Jiang Cheng walk away from there Wei Ying said, "Don't be too hard on your new recruits Shidi and Shimie."

"I'm not Niang!" Shouted Jiang Cheng. When Jiang Cheng is gone Lan Zhan asked Wei Ying, "Wei Ying, is Jiang guniang going to get marry next week?"

Wei Ying is surprise that Lan Zhan know about it, "Did you hear it from someone?" Before Lan Zhan can answer Wen Ning answered for him, "People in town is talking about it gongzi."

"The town people?" Wen Ning nodded his head. "Are you going, Wei Ying?" Asked Lan Zhan.

"Mn. Do you want to come, Lan Zhan?" Wei Ying can tell that Lan Zhan is hesitating since he doesn't know how will his brother or uncle will react to him leaving their clan.

"No need to worry Lan zhan. I'm sure your uncle and brother won't hate you for it. Beside, it is your decision after all, right?"


"You haven't seen them for a while, why not come with me and see them? If old man Lan is angry at you, then I will take you away from there."


"Then it decided. Wen Ning, A-Yuan, shall we head home and tell Qing Jie about our sell?"

"Okay!" Come a very very happy Wen Ning and Wen Yuan. "Then let's go home!"

'Home?' Lan Zhan looked at a very happy Wei Ying, 'Wherever Wei Ying is...he is my home.'

"Come on Lan Zhan!"

"I'm coming!" Lan Zhan walking fast toward Wei Ying and the other two.

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