Take Action First

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Okay everyone if this chapter doesn't make sense then just skip it or don't read it. I try my best to make sense for this chapter. So is okay if you don't want to read it. I am okay with it.
In Su She mind both Lan Xichen and Lan Zhan see Su She is getting bully by Jin Zixun. "Isn't this during the Phoenix hunt?" Lan Zhan asked his brother. "Your right Wangji, this is when Jin Guangyao show up to save him."

They continue to watch as Jin Guangyao went to see Su She in his room, this is when no one is around. "What are they doing?" Wei Ying know that the two of them are up to something.

"Minshan, if you hate Jin Zixun that much. Why don't you put a curse on him?"

"A curse? What kind of curse?" Su she asked. "A curse that we can blame on Wei Wuxian."

"This is the same as when I was looking through Jin Guangyao mind."

"You can put one hundreds hole curse on him. I will tell Jin Zixun, that it was Wei Wuxian who put the curse on him. No one will know is you."

"Alright, I will do that. Then what will we do next?"

"When Wei Wuxian come to A-Ling one month that is when we attack him. When he play on his flute, that is when you altered his flute. This will make Wen Ning kill Jin Zixun. I will also take this chance to tell Jin Zixuan about Jin Zixun ambushing Wei Wuxian at Qiongqi path. Let's Wen Ning kill the both of them, and then I will find a way to kill Jin Guangshan. I will take over as sect leader."

"You want to kill both Jin Zixuan and Jin Zixun?" Su she asked.

"This way, we can all go to war against him."
(To make this more sense....if Wen Ning got kill and come back to life as a fierce corpse. I hope this make sense)

All three pull out of Su She mind, Wei Ying suddenly stumble backward, "Wei Wuxian!" Jiang Cheng caught Wei Ying before he can fall down to the ground. "What did you three see?" Asked Jiang Cheng as he help Wei Ying to sit down on a rock nearby.

Lan Xichen and Lan Zhan also seat down as well, "We see Jin Guangyao and Su She plan to frame Wuxian with killing both Jin Zixuan and Jin Zixun. They want this to happen during Jin Ling one month."

"A-Ling one month?" Lan Xichen nodded his head. "When Wuxian take the Qiongqi path, that is when Jin Zixun ambushed Wuxian. Jin Guangyao tell Su she to put the curse on Jin Zixun, then he want to tell Jin Zixun that it was Wuxian who put the curse on him."

"Wait wait I'm a little confuse. Are you saying that Jin Guangyao want Su She to put the curse on Jin Zixun, then blame it on Wei Wuxian. When Wei Wuxian take the qiongqi path, that is when Jin Zixun ambush Wei Wuxian."

Lan Xichen nodded his head, "Jin Guangyao want to send Jin Zixuan there so that the two of them can get kill by Wen Ning. But how can Wen Ning kill them?"

"I can answer you that Jiang Cheng. If they kill the whole Wen clan including Wen Ning, then I can bring him back to life by using my Yin Hufu. I can control Wen Ning by my flute, that is why they want to altered my flute so that Wen Ning can kill both Jin a Zixuan and Jin Zixun."

"What happen when the two of them is gone?" Lan Xichen and Lan Zhan sigh, "they want to go to war against Wei Wuxian."

"What?!" Shouted Jiang Cheng. "Xiong Zhang, what will we do with Jin Guangyao, Jin Guangshan and Su She?" Asked Lan Zhan.

"First we need to let Jin Zixuan know, Wanyin, can you take your sister and Jin Zixuan to the Jiang clan? Also, let Madam Jin know too. We need to take care of Jin Guangshan, this way we can let Jin Zixuan step up as sect leader."

"What will we do with Su She and Jin Guangshan?" The three looked at the unconscious Su She and Jin Guangshan, "Fengxi," a red mist appear, "yes master?"

"Can you and the other Yao keep an eye on them?" Fengxi looked at the two body on the ground. "I will master."

"Alright, let's go get Jie and Jin Zixuan." Wei Ying open up a portal that will take Jiang Cheng and Lan Xichen back to the Jin clan. "Lan Zhan and I will head back home, send a message okay?" The two nodded their head as they walk into the portal.

"Lan Zhan let's head home. I am verytire after seeing what the Jin clan want to do with me."

"That is why I left with you, Wei Ying. I don't want you to do everything alone. I don't want you to be by yourself."

"Thank you Lan Zhan."

"Mn. Shall we head home? I think you need to take a break."

"Okay, I am a little sleepy though."

Jin clan

"Wanyin, I will go talk to Madam Jin while you go talk to Jin guniang and Jin gongzi. Meet me back here okay?" Jiang Cheng nodded his head so the two went their separate way.

Jiang Cheng found Jin Yanli and Jin Zixuan in the garden with Jin Ling, "Jie, Zixuan," the two look up ahead to see Jiang Cheng walking toward them. "A-Cheng, what are you doing here?" Jin Yanli asked.

"Jie, Zixuan, can we go somewhere quiet to talk?" The wife and husband looked at each other then back to Jiang Cheng. "Okay, follow me." Jin Zixuan take them into his room where they can talk privately.

"What's wrong A-Cheng?" Jiang Cheng tell the two what he know. This somehow make Jin Yanli angry and sad at the same time. As for Jin Zixuan, he is full of anger since he couldn't believe his father and his brother would do something like this to Wei Wuxian.

"That is why Zixuan, for your safety, you, Jie and Jin Ling, should come stay at the Jiang clan for a while."

"What do you think Zixuan?" Jin Yanli asked her husband. "We should go," so Jiang Cheng help Jin Zixuan with the packing.

They met up with Lan Xichen near the edge of the stairway, "Zewu Jun," Lan Xichen turn around to see Jiang Cheng with Jin Yanli and Jin Zixuan, "are you ready to go?" The two nodded their head, they left the Jin clan to head straight to Yunmeng town.

On their way to Yunmeng town, Lan Xichen asked Jin Zixuan, "Jin gongzi, we need you to take over as sect leader? Your father can't be a sect leader anymore. You already know what he have done right?" Jin Zixuan nodded his head.

"During the next conference we will expose Jin Guangyao, Jin Guangshan and Su She for everyone to know. Then we will let them know that you will become the next sect leader okay?"

"Does Niang know?" Lan Xichen nodded his head, "she agree. So you should agree as well."

"Okay, when the time come, then I will accept my duty as sect leader."

"Zixuan, will make a great sect leader."

Soon they arrive at the Jiang clan. "Zewu Jun, why don't you stay here for a while? Rest up before you head back to your clan."

"Then I will take up your offer Jin Guniang," 'I can spend more time with Wanyin.'
I hope this chapter make sense. Let me know okay?

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