|ᴀ ᴏɴᴇ-ɴɪɢʜᴛ ꜱᴛᴀɴᴅ| Ghost x Reader p.1

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After a busy working day, you decide to have fun and relax by stopping at a nightclub near your workplace restaurant. But something or someone catches your eye.


(Author's note: Hi, everyone; this is the first 'fanfiction' story that I've written; I really hope you enjoy it! Let me know what you think.)

The burden of enduring long hours every day can be overwhelming, especially for someone like you who has no choice but to juggle two jobs to make ends meet. The constant tension and pressure seem to drain every ounce of your physical and mental energy, leaving you completely exhausted.

As you walk out of the restaurant entrance, heart heavy and body tired, you desperately inhale the refreshing air. Your mind is filled with a whirlwind of emotions as you reflect on the tumultuous morning that left you emotionally drained. Frustration and exhaustion are intertwined in your thoughts as this endless cycle of catering to demanding and rude customers has taken its toll on your spirit.

You desire the freedom to express yourself and do what you are most passionate about, but instead, you are tied down by facing days with forced smiles and relentless people, having to satisfy their every whim. Deep down, you repudiate this work, wanting to screw it all up. However, the compensation is reasonable, and you are desperate for a job to survive. Without this work, your chances of survival would rapidly diminish, leaving you stranded with no lifeline in sight.

Clinging to your bag with a trembling grip, you walk through the dimly lit streets of the city, desperately wanting to reach the sanctuary of your home and end this miserable day. Exhaustion weighs heavily on your shoulders, casting a shadow over your spirit as you trudge forward.

With every step, the darkness seems to seep into your very bones, amplifying the weariness that has settled within you. But suddenly, a symphony of pulsating music fills the air, grabbing your attention like a magnet. The lively nightclub in front of you explodes with life as laughter and lively chatter can be heard all over the street as people rush out of the club.

Envy tugs at your heartstrings as you watch them revel in joy and excitement while you are left drained and miserable. However, a spark of possibility ignites in your mind. Why should only they have fun? Why can't you afford a little happiness, too?

This place is unlike any you've ever seen before. Its enormous neon sign lights up the night sky, almost blinding it with its brilliance. The air of elegance that emanates from every pore invites you. Curiosity grips your heart, and without hesitation, you decide to seize the opportunity and venture into this mysterious realm.

When you open the grand doors, the atrium envelops you in opulence, with glamorous floors and glossy black walls that hold the secrets of the vibrant nightlife. Pulsating neon lights cast an enticing glow, inviting you to explore the exhilarating wonders that await.

The corridor gives way to a vast expanse, mysterious and captivating. Above, ethereal purple and blue lights hang gracefully from the ceiling, casting an enchanting glow on the scene below. Upon entering the central area, your eyes are immediately drawn to the elegant layout. Gleaming tables and soft white sofas decorated in faux leather allow you to sit back and soak in the opulence. Potted palm trees add a touch of tropical charm, while an impressive bar sits at the center of it all. The polished granite countertop reflects the soft hues of the lights above, and rows of glittering glass bottles display an impressive selection of spirits and liqueurs.

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