Fall Senior Year- 6

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Chapter 54

I stir awake and try to get my bearings. I know I'm in my room. I know I have a hangover. I know Chase is in bed with me.


Chase is in bed with me?!

I can feel his soft breaths against the back of my neck as he continues to sleep peacefully. He has my back pulled flush against him and his left arm is draped over me. If I didn't know any better, I'd say Chase is spooning me right now. Of course, there has to be an explanation. These beds are small and I did ask Chase to stay with me last night. It would be ridiculous to assume we could both fit in the bed without touching. Chase is only doing this out of necessity, not because he wants to hold me like this.

Suddenly Chase begins to stir. His arm tightens around me and he pulls me further into his chest. "Mmm, you smell so good, bumblebee," he groans. Oh my God, Chase is smelling me...and he thinks I smell good? What alternate universe am I in right now?

I do the only thing I can think of and I pretend to be asleep still. My shirt is all bunched up and Chase starts to rub his hand up and down my bare stomach. I start to get goosebumps and then I feel something I was not prepared for.

"Holy shit!" I practically jump out of bed, but Chase holds me tight, not allowing me to move far.

"It's the morning, bumblebee. What do you expect?" Chase mumbles as he reaches down and adjusts himself. "Come back and cuddle me. I've got a headache." Chase pulls me down so I'm facing him now as he lays flat on his back. My face is pressed into his bare chest and my right arm is draped over his taut abdomen.

Once I calm down, I make the realization that somehow everything just feels...right. Chase and I seem to fit together like two puzzle pieces. I should feel awkward or uncomfortable being in Chase's arms, but I just feel content.

I snuggle deeper into his chest and start to lazily drag my fingers up and down his side. "Careful, bumblebee," Chase warns as he grabs my hand. "I'm ticklish."

I laugh as he starts to play with my hand, "Of course you would be. You have to have some kind of weakness."

"Oh believe me, bumblebee, I've got many weaknesses. You just don't know them all yet."

We lay like this for a while longer before the panic starts to settle in. What the heck are we doing right now? As of less than twelve hours ago, I was in a relationship with CJ and now I'm in bed with one of my best friends. Does Chase like me? Do I like Chase? There's so many different questions running through my head right now.

"I can feel how tense you are, Ava. Why don't we go get some breakfast and we can sort through whatever has you all worked up on a full stomach, hmm?"

I nod in agreement and we both start to get up. Chase stretches his arms above his head and I have to stop myself from drooling. The man's body is a masterpiece. There's no denying that.

"My eyes are up here," he jokes, when he catches me checking him out. My face starts to heat up and I race to the bathroom so I can brush my teeth.

Once I'm finished in the bathroom, Chase takes his turn and I go back into my room to change. I throw on sweats and a long sleeve shirt because I just can't bring myself to put in any effort today. My headache is raging and I wish I could lay in bed all day. Last night was a bit of a doozie but whether I want to or not, I remember everything that happened. I shudder thinking about Chase punching CJ.

Chase exits the bathroom looking fresh as ever. He has on a loose pair of gray sweatpants and a tight fitting tshirt. I stop myself from ogling his body again and finish getting ready.

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