Summer Before Sophomore Year- 3

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Chapter 18

I've been drowning myself in working out the past few weeks. I go to the gym each morning for two hours, come home, take a shower, then I go for a run. Some days I'll swim laps at the pool and other days I just lay around thinking about what could have been. If there's one good thing that comes out of this breakup, it'll be my abs.

It's been almost a month and I still haven't gotten over Theo and our breakup. I think what hurts the most is that he hasn't tried to talk to me since that day. Maybe we were only together for a short time, but in that short time I felt like I truly got to know him and he knew me. There was something so strong between us and it feels wrong for that all to be thrown out the window in an instant. He said he wants to try again when he comes back and that he'll wait for me, but how can I get over how he hurt me without having the chance to talk to him?

Today is the day he leaves for Europe and I'm thinking of reaching out to him. I know he'll undoubtedly be busy with last minute preparations, but even if it's just a simple text, I hope he'll respond.

I type up what feels like a thousand different messages and delete them all before deciding to go for something simple.

Hey Theo, I hope you have a great time in Scotland. Feel free to reach out anytime.

I wanted to leave that door open, letting him know that I'm still here and willing to be there for him, whether he wants to be there for me or not.

I see the message was read a few minutes later, but there's no response after ten minutes. I fall back on my bed in frustration wondering again what could have happened that turned him off so quickly. I don't remember doing anything that would have sparked him wanting to break up with me. Maybe it has nothing to do with me and he's telling the truth. Long distance might just be too hard for him. But then why hasn't he tried to talk to me? We can still be friends, still try to maintain that connection we have.

My phone buzzes and I jump up instantly. I eagerly check my phone only to see it's a text from Cody. I groan in annoyance and don't even bother to read it. This may be the first time I'm not excited when Cody texts me.

I end up falling asleep only to wake up a half hour later. I lazily check my phone, not remembering the text I was impatiently waiting for. My eyes nearly pop out of my head when I see that I missed a text from Theo only fifteen minutes ago. I hesitantly open the message and my heart skips a beat.

Thanks, Ava. I'm really gonna miss you. Can't wait to see you when I come back.

I'm giddy with excitement for the first time in weeks. He's going to miss me. He can't wait to see me when he comes back. Maybe there's a chance for us after all.


Although things aren't back to normal with Theo and I, I feel like we're at least close to being friends. We text each other almost every day, but keep it very casual. I ask him about his adventures with his parents in Europe and he asks about what I've been up to as well.

My gym routine is going well as always. I'm currently at the gym doing some plyos. The last thing on my list before abs and a cool down is box jumps. I usually do three sets of ten on the second tallest box jump. Plyos really help with my vertical in volleyball and I'm hoping I can increase it by a few inches for the upcoming season.

On the seventh jump of my last set, my right foot slips off the edge of the box and I bash my shin into the top corner. I wince in pain but it's no reason to stop my set. I can barely feel any pain through the adrenaline coursing through my veins.

Love Lives and Liesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें