Fall Senior Year- 3

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Chapter 51

Next weekend will be two months since CJ and I started dating. He planned a super sweet date for us at a steak restaurant in the next town over and I can't wait to go out on the town with my man.

I appreciate how patient he is with me, but I think it's time to finally bite the bullet and have sex with CJ. It's not that big of a deal anyways. All my friends have done it. I don't need to save it for marriage or wait until I know someone is the love of my life. CJ is a good guy and I want to lose my virginity to him. I'm not going to straight up tell him this, but I do have a plan for tonight. It's just a normal Tuesday night according to CJ, but I want to make it special for us.

I told CJ I was going to come over around seven so we can hang out and watch a movie. Little does he know; I went shopping with Clarissa and Lizzy this past weekend and we picked up some sexy little lingerie pieces. CJ is going to lose his mind.

It's almost six and I decide to start getting ready. CJ is at dinner with the team and I'm back in the room by myself because I was too nervous to eat anything. I figure sex on an empty stomach isn't such a bad idea anyways.

I pick out a lavender colored see through lace bra with a matching thong. There are little lace flowers decorating the pieces and I think it's super cute. I look at myself in the mirror and turn from side to side. I try to think of what CJ would think when he sees me for the first time. I hope he thinks it's sexy. My boobs look great I have to admit. My butt doesn't look to bad either. I'm pretty pleased with what I see, so I throw on some unassuming sweats and a hoodie over it. I want CJ to be floored when he starts to undress me.

I throw my hair up in a messy bun and fix my makeup in the mirror. It's not too much; just the right amount to be sexy but light. It's quarter to seven, so I have fifteen whole minutes to wait until CJ texts me.

I can feel myself getting turned on just at the thought of what's about to come. I'm incredibly nervous too of course. It's a strange mixture of feelings. I'm feeling powerful and anxious at the same time. My stomach is in knots. I'm so glad I skipped dinner.

My phone buzzes and I rush over to check it. It's CJ.

Hey baby, I'm back in my room. Feel free to head over whenever.

My fingers shake as I type out my response.

On my way.

I take one last look in the mirror and head out the door. The walk feels like it takes forever when it was probably only two minutes from my room to the door of CJ's dorm.

He's waiting for me when I get there. He pulls me into his arms as soon as he can reach me and presses a kiss to the top of my head. "I've missed you baby. It feels like I haven't seen you in forever."

"It's only been three days," I give him a light shove and he lets go of me chuckling.

"I know, three days too long," he sighs dramatically.

"You act like you want me to move in with you," I joke.

"Don't give me ideas," he winks at me.

We walk down the hallway and I can feel my nerves start to get to me. I have to be bold. I have to be the one to initiate this. CJ won't push me if I don't want him to.

CJ holds the door open for me and I walk inside. For once his room isn't covered in dirty clothes and old food wrappers.

"You cleaned."

"I wanted to surprise you," he steps up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist as he puts his chin on top of my head. I lean back into his embrace and take a deep breath of his masculine scent. He always smells so good.

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