Summer Before Senior Year- 4

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Chapter 48

The bouncer checks our IDs at the door and I proudly show mine off. He takes an extra second to make sure it's actually me in the picture, but I pass the test. I do a little dance as I put the ID back in my pocket and I can hear Chase chuckling as he leads me over to a table at the far side of the bar. Just like he said, there's a dart board right next to the table.

"So you like to play darts?" I ask as I plop down on a barstool.

"I figure I could give you your first lesson on bar games tonight. How does that sound?"

"Sounds good to me!" I grin, thinking about all the fun we'll have tonight.

"But first, drinks," Chase says, pulling me from my thoughts. "What'll you have?"

"I dunno. I've never had bar drinks before, so I don't really know my options. I don't just want to drink straight vodka all night though. I do know that."

Chase mulls over an idea for a moment before standing up without a word. I guess he knows what to get me. He does have more experience than I do.

As Chase stands at the bar waiting for the bartender to take his order, I look around the interior of the bar. It's all dark wood and just kind of looks like that traditional bar you'd see on TV. The long bar top is shiny with loads of barstools lined up in front of it. Behind the bar there's shelves and cabinets filled with alcohol. Around the room there's a few tables spread out with barstools around them, but mostly there's just a lot of empty space in the middle of the bar for people to mill around in.

It's only just past nine, so there's probably somewhere around twenty people here. Chase assured me it would pick up though so I appreciate him getting me here early to grab a table.

As I watch Chase interact with the bartender, I wonder if he's a regular here. We don't usually hang out at night on the weekends, so I don't know what his social life entails. I do notice that the bartender is very pretty though. She's pretty handsy too. She's definitely flirting with Chase. He's laughing along with her too, but I think he's oblivious to the flirting.

As I'm staring at the two of them interacting, Chase turns around to head back to the table. He gives me a bright grin when he notices I'm watching him. His hands are completely full and I wonder what he's got for me. He places the glasses on the table and I give the drinks a wary look.

"I hope you like beer," Chase begins. "But I also got you a shot so we can start the night off on the right foot," he gestures towards the bright yellow liquid in front of me.

"What is it?" I ask dubiously.

"It's just a lemon drop, bumblebee. You can handle it."

I do love lemon. Maybe I've mentioned that to Chase before.

Chase picks up his matching shot and gestures for me to grab my own. "Happy Birthday, bumblebee," Chase toasts me before we both down the shot.

"Mmm, that was delicious! Why wasn't I drinking that all my life? It doesn't even taste like there was alcohol in it."

"Don't worry, it'll hit you later. It's still a pretty strong drink," Chase chuckles.

He pushes a taller glass my way. "I also grabbed you a beer to sip on. We can't just do shots all night or I'll be peeling you off the floor before an hour's even passed."

I gratefully grab the beer and take a sip. "Yum. What kind of beer is this? I've only ever had the cheap stuff before."

"It's an IPA. Pretty common in bars around here. Definitely better than the piss water you usually get served in college parties."

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