Winter Sophomore Year- 3

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Chapter 24

Theo and I have settled into a new routine. Every couple days we meet up for a date somewhere in the area. We've had dinner, lunch, brunch, seen movies, gone on hikes, and even gone to an amusement park. Everything is great between us. I miss the time we had back at school cuddling in each other's dorms, but we'll have plenty of time for that when we're back at school in two weeks.

I'm super excited because tonight is my friends' Christmas party and they'll all officially be meeting Theo for the first time. The party is going to be at my friend Mandy's house, and everyone is going to be there.

I decide to wear a cute long sleeved green velvet dress that flares out at the waist and hits a few inches above my knees. I pair it with some festive earrings and curl my hair.

It's almost time for Theo to pick me up and thankfully my parents are off at their own party tonight. They don't know much about Theo and I kind of just want to keep him to myself for now before he does the whole meet the family thing.

I do one last look in the mirror before I hear my phone buzz. Theo is here! I slip on my heels, grab my bag and a jacket, and head for the door.

Theo is on the other side of the door waiting for me and I have to admit, he looks good. He's wearing well fitted black dress pants and a dark red dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up.

"Hey baby," he says before giving me a kiss on the cheek. "You look absolutely gorgeous."

"Thanks," I blush. "You're looking pretty good yourself."

He holds out his arm to lead me towards his car and I slide into the front seat. The drive to Mandy's house takes no more than ten minutes and we pass the time just talking about our days.

We pull up to the house and it looks like everyone is here already.

"So, who all am I meeting tonight?" Theo asks as he turns off the ignition.

"Well, there's Hannah and Mandy. They're my two best girlfriends from high school. A few of my other friends will be here as well, though we're not as close."

"No guy friends?" Theo probes.

"Well," I start to admit but trail off.

"Cody's gonna be here isn't he?" Theo asks in a dark tone.

"He's friends with us, Theo. There's no reason to be worried or jealous. I'm here with you."

Theo grumbles something under his breath but nods his head before opening his door to get out. I follow suit and we head up the path to the front door. I ring the bell and Mandy's dad opens the door.

"Hey Ava, long time no see," he greets me with a hug.

"Hey Mr. Lanzi, this is my boyfriend Theo. Theo this is Mandy's dad, Mr. Lanzi."

"Pleasure to meet you, son."

They shake hands before Mr. Lanzi leads us into the house. The party is in the basement, and we can hear music and chatter all the way up here.

"Have fun kids," Mr. Lanzi calls to us as he makes his way back into the living room where he's watching TV.

We make our way down the stairs hand in hand. I give Theo's hand a squeeze as we turn the corner at the bottom of the stairs.

"Ava!" my friends call out to me as I come into view.

"Hey guys!" I call back to them. "This is Theo, my boyfriend."

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