Spring Junior Year- 3

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Chapter 44

The following weekend I decide I need a little break from everything going on around campus. I pack a small bag full of my necessities and I start the long drive home. The drive is a little over three hours and that gives me time to think.

I think about what happened with Theo. I think about my lack of relationship. I think about Clarissa and Lizzy and how happy they are. I think about all my missed opportunities and every shot I should've taken. I even think about what my life would be like if I never went to school here or if I'd ended up with Alec from day one. What would my life be like then?

I go through all these different scenarios in my mind and in no time I find myself pulling into the driveway of my home. It's Friday evening and aside from my family, the only person I told I was coming home was Chase. He's off at college too, but I figured on the off chance he was home, he might want to meet up with me at the gym. It is around spring break time for some schools, so it wasn't a complete shot in the dark.

Chase didn't text me back, but I'm too worn out to be upset. He's not always great at responding to texts in a timely manner, so he'll probably text me back when he sees it later today.

I unlock the door and walk inside only to realize the house is empty. Great, my parents probably forgot to tell me they wouldn't be home tonight. Just more time for me to be alone with my thoughts.

I unpack what little I brought home up in my room before sitting on my bed. As I'm sitting there, I hear a buzz from across the room. My phone's ringing. I jump out of bed and rush over to grab it.

Without checking to see who's calling, I swipe the screen to answer. "Hello?"

"Hey, bumblebee," Chase's cheerful voice greets me.


"The one and only. What are you doing home this weekend?"

"I just needed a break honestly. There's a lot going on and I've been getting all up in my head."

"Well get out of your little funk and come outside cuz I'm about to take you on an adventure."

I look at the clock and see it's already nine thirty at night. Where could Chase be taking me?

"Chop, chop, bumblebee. Time's ticking."

Chase hangs up the phone and I jump out of bed. I'm in leggings and a baggy old tshirt and I'm suddenly wishing I'd asked Chase where we were going so I knew what to wear. I hear a horn honk outside, so I just throw on my converse and race down the stairs. Chase has seen me worse than this after a workout. He can handle me looking all ratty.

When I walk out the door, Chase is there to pull me into a big hug. "I've missed you, bumblebee."

I breathe in his familiar scent and realize how calming his presence has become for me. This is exactly what I needed.

"What are you doing home, Chase?"

"Spring break, baby," he winks at me before grabbing my hand and dragging me off to his car. I jump in the passenger seat and he starts up the engine.

"So where are we going?"

"Now why would I tell you that?" he grins in my direction.

I roll my eyes and sit back in my seat, ready for another adventure.

Chase and I drive for almost forty-five minutes before he pulls into the parking lot of a bar.

"Chase, you know I don't turn twenty one for another month, right?"

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