Fall Sophomore Year- 2

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Chapter 20

This year during volleyball season, we're not following the dumb rules the seniors told us last year. We're responsible, but we're also ready to party.

It's a typical Friday night and our friends are hosting a massive party at the frat complex. It's hard to go knowing Theo won't be there, but I have to hold onto hope that we'll be back together again in a couple months. It's the only thing keeping me going right now.

We're helping the guys set up the beach themed party an hour before guests are supposed to arrive. There's a full DJ setup with lights and everything. It's BYOB for the commoners, but those in the know have a great selection of alcohol in one of the common areas upstairs. It pays off to be friends with the guys.

Clarissa and Jeff are somehow still going strong. I'll have to ask her if they're officially boyfriend and girlfriend yet. They sure act like it. Lizzy got back together with her high school boyfriend over break. She seems pretty serious about him, so that's great for her as well. Normally I would hate being the only single one, but I'm holding out hope for Theo.

We're upstairs pregaming in the final minutes before the guests will be let into the party. We did a power hour, so everyone is feeling really good. Sam lets us know that it's time to go downstairs, so the girls and I go check ourselves in the mirror one more time before following the guys downstairs.

By the time we arrive, there has to already be almost a hundred people in the room. The DJ is playing some great music and we run off to the dancefloor. Jeff immediately pulls Clarissa against him and they dance together.

Lizzy and I roll our eyes before getting into our own little world. I dance and sway to the beat just like Lizzy taught me last year. We join in when everyone is chanting the music to our favorite songs and we even dance on each other a little, which gets the male attention in the room.

After a few more provocative moves between Lizzy and I, I feel a large set of hands lightly grasp my hips. I tense up at first, remembering how Theo used to hold me like this, but then I remember that Theo isn't here. I turn my head slightly to see if it's anyone I know and recognize him as one of the junior football players though I can't seem to remember which one.

"Hey hot stuff," he whispers in my ear. "Care to dance?"

He gives me a flirty grin and I return it. There's nothing wrong with dancing. I answer his question by grinding my ass against his crotch. He hisses a swear word against my ear and pulls me tighter against him.

At first as we dance, his hands stay fixed on my hips. As the drinks keep flowing though, we get a little bit handsier. He wraps one arm around my waist and trails the other up and down my torso, feeling my curves. I reach back and wrap my arms around his neck and groan. It feels so good to let loose.

With my arms up, he drags both hands up so they're just below my breasts. He's dangerously close to cupping me through my strapless dress. I can feel him growing hard behind me and my drunk brain is loving it.

We continue to sway to the beat and things are getting hotter and hotter. He brushes his hand at the top of the skin where my dress ends and then I feel him wrap his full hand on the inside of my thigh. I moan at the sensation of him touching me there. Things are starting to get out of control.

Suddenly I feel hands on my shoulders that don't belong to the guy I'm dancing with. I open my eyes to see Lizzy in front of me looking a bit panicked.

"Hey girlie, there's someone on the phone for you. You left your phone charging upstairs."

In my drunken stupor, I don't understand at first and the guy doesn't seem to want to let me go.

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