Summer Before Senior Year- 3

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Chapter 47

There's only a couple weeks before my senior year starts and CJ and I have been texting back and forth quite a bit. The texts are flirty but not dirty by any means. It's kind of like we're getting to know each other.

We're talking about his upcoming football season and my senior volleyball season. I hope I can go to all of his football games and maybe he'll come to my volleyball games too. I feel like things are setting into place. I finally feel like I fit in with the girls on my team. I'm talking to a football player. I'll be in with that crowd for real now.

I'm at the gym running on a treadmill when I notice someone step onto the machine to my right. "Hey bumblebee," Chase waves to me.

"Hey Chase, long time no see!" Chase had been away on a vacation to New York the past week so I hadn't seen him in a while. "How was the Big Apple?"

"Nothing too special," he shrugs it off. "We saw Times Square and went to a Broadway show, did some sightseeing. Everything was just too crowded. Not my cup of tea."

"I'm sure it was exciting though! I've always wanted to go to New York."

"Well maybe if I see it though your eyes, I would have a better time," Chase chuckles. "I'll make sure to bring you along next time. What's new with you?"

I haven't told Chase about CJ yet. I'm just not sure exactly what direction our relationship is heading though, so I don't want to jinx it.

"I see the way your wheels are turning in that head of yours. What's on your mind?"

"Well, I kind of met someone. He goes to my school but he's a year younger. He's on the football team. We met at that country music festival I went to a couple weeks ago."

Chase turns away, taking a moment to adjust the pace on his treadmill. I give him time to get up to speed before he answers.

"I'm happy for you, Ava." He doesn't really sound or look happy, but I need this. I don't necessarily need everyone in my life to be on board. It just makes it easier if they are and Chase is no exception.

"He seems like a really good guy, Chase."

"I'm sure he is. Tell me about him."

I start telling Chase everything I know about CJ. From where he's originally from to how many pets he has, I give him the whole breakdown of CJ's life.

"Wow, it sounds like you really like this guy. Is this the first guy since that Teddy guy you were with a while ago?"

"Yep," I muse, thinking about my last true relationship and deciding not to correct Chase on his name. "CJ is completely different. He's tough and rough around the edges. He can pick me up. Can you believe that? He can lift me up like I weigh nothing."

Chase rolls his eyes at me. "You know I could easily lift you up, Ava. That's no big feat or anything. You're not big or heavy."

I groan in annoyance, "You have to say that cuz you're my friend. I'm not tiny by any means. I mean look at most of the girls in here. They're probably about five foot five and a hundred and twenty pounds soaking wet. I'm easily fifty pounds heavier than those girls and I've got the height and muscle to prove it."

Chase reaches over and hits stop on my machine. "Get off," he grunts as he turns off his own machine.

I huff in annoyance of him interrupting my workout, but I comply nonetheless.

As soon as my feet touch the floor, Chase sweeps my legs out from underneath me, lifting me up in the process. "I told you, bumblebee, you weigh practically nothing. Don't talk down about yourself." Chase gives me a pointed look and I groan in annoyance. "Hey, promise me you'll stop with that talk," he shifts me so he's holding me in one arm.

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