Extra 1 : Adoras most precious

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Narrator POV:

This happened about 2 years after the end of the Story, 6 years before the epilogue

It was a warm summer Day when Glimmer woke up, overlooking the Kingdom of Bright Moon. The slight fog moving in from the whispering Woods had a ghostly, near ephemeral feel to it but the Sun had complete dominance over the rest of the City, bathing it into a glow of angelic light. Summer was at its peak and the Air had a heat to it already even though it was still very early. As Glimmer had finished dressing, looking back to see Bow peacefully asleep in their Bed, she smiled and tried to exit as quietly as possible. Her Boyfriend had been up all night with Entrapta to install something he called "the greatest surprise of your life"...which was scary but at least kept them both busy

After a quick breakfast, she prepared for her morning meeting with her Mother when Catra walked into the Kitchen, seemingly uneasy "Morning, Catra"

The Hybrid flinched visibly and looked like she had not seen Glimmer at all "y-yeah...mornin, sparkles"

"...What did you do?" she asked, not wasting time

"Hmm? Me ? Why? I didn't do....shut up"


"Okay I ...I may have fucked up" Catra said and sat herself down on the Table "You know the Red Jacket, Adora wears litteraly every day?"


"....I may or may not have...ripped it, just a bit...."

"Dude....she loves that thing"

"Like I don't know that" Catra said, her face in panic

"So ...what are you gonna do about that?"

"I don't know. She found it in the trash one day and for some reason wouldn't let go of it....not even I know why"

"Wow...there are things you don't know about her? That's new"

"I'm serious here...she's gonna kill me"

"Okay, calm down" Glimmer said and put a Mug of Coffee in front of Catra "How did this happen anyway?"

Catra looked away in shame, clearly not wanting to say anything but Glimmer knew her long enough by this point to know that all she had to do was wait. Catra was not easy to get along with but simple to understand, once one was able to get to know her

"...I had a nightmare...dreamt that I was beaten by Shadow Weaver as a kid...I don't know why but when I fought back, I woke up and had her Jacked in my hands, 3 Claw Marks on the back" Remembering the scene before her mental eye, Catra felt an increadibly heavy dread mixed with guilt but didn't understand why

"hmm" Glimmer listened intently while sipping on her coffee "Do you remember anything else?"

"...I smelled Adora and must have...idk, reached out.... on reflex" Catra said, her face turning red

"hmm so you were in a perceived state of Danger, knew Adora was near and reached out to something you instinctively knew would be safe?"

"....that about sums it up, yeah"

"So you are..." Glimmer started but stopped talking when Adora walked in

"Morning you two" she said, giving her Girlfriend a kiss on the cheek and getting herself a coffee while the other two had a conversation purely through stares. What either of the two had failed to notice was that Adora had been able to hear them the whole time from outside, their voices echoing through the Hallway loud and clear and Catra, for once, too focused on herself to notice "Are you okay?" Adora asked with a grin

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