Chapter 15: "Faaaaascinatiiiing"

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TW: Swears and Cursing

Narrators POV:

After they left, Glimmer wastes no time to start the interrogation. "So who asked who, are you really together?, Bow you better have my money ohhhh and i am soooo happy for youuuu"

Catra had about enough after 3 seconds of this "get it all out Sparkles. The only reason you are still talking is because Adora would go ballistic if i killed you"

"Catra come on now...she didn't mean that Glimmer" Adora tried to intervene

"Yes I did" Catra shot back smugly.

Glimmer was undeterred "I know Catra is very uncomfortable with this stuff....which is why im gonna get it out of Adora later"

"Adora don't you dare" Catra threatened in a more humorous tone

"Sorry Glimmer, Girlfriend wins...also she is scarier than you" Adora said.

"oho so we are already at the Girlfriend stage...interesting" Glimmer truly enjoyed teasing them. Both of them blushed

"so? what's it to you? Got a problem with that?" Catra was clearly flustered

"Haha no why would i?" Glimmer said

"It's...well we still figuring things out" Adora stated, slightly rubbing her thumb over Catras knuckles "as long as i can be with her i don't care what we call this to be honest. To me the Girlfriend title just makes it easier for others to understand". Catra smiled at Adora wile Bow let out a high pitched squeal

"You are literally the cutest thing ever" Catra looked at the ground, still walking muttering

"I am not Cute" "yes you are" Adora thought but knew better then to say it at that moment.

The lighthearted banter continued until they left the Whispering Woods. The Scenery changes to rocky Cliffs that turn their walk, into a much more strenuous Hike. The winds howl, bringing more and more dark Clouds towards the group. The Big Castle in the distance looks like it was build by a Child that got bored and had more power and time then it should have. Full of high, slim Towers with twisted Tops and a long Bridge that leads somewhere on the other side of the Mountain it was built at.

Trekking along the path of Gravel and large Rocks was getting harder and harder until the Rain set in which made it far worse. "Guys" Aodra shouts over the Rain "shouldn't we have seen some ohh i don't know HORDE SOLDIERS?"

"YEAH Scouts can't have screwed up that bad" Catra shouts back

Finally they made their way to the Gates of the Castle and entered. Wet to the Bones they take out some Towels they still have, from their Trip and start drying themselves off. Adora helped Catra with some of the more hard to reach Fur that was impossible to get dry in this weather.

"Just great. shit Hike, shit weather and apparently shit scout reports" Catra laments

"we still don't know that" Bow says "worst case they are already inside and we just walked into a trap"

"unlikely. The Horde would have guards outside and the Gate closed shut" said Adora

"Let's go find a bit worried about her" Glimmer tells the rest.

Somewhat dry they make their way deeper into the Castle being as careful as they can be. It was scary how quiet the place was. Large, weird looking contraptions strewn the big Rooms without any discernible rhyme or reason, making all kinds of "peeps" and "boops" with the occasional spark of lightning shooting from one object to another. Catras Tail represented well how they all felt about this Castle with how bushy it was.

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