Chapter 29 : Save the Blonde

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Art is NOT mine. All Credit goes to @dmbakura on Twitter

Adoras POV:

The last thing I remember was being grabbed by DT and then everything became green and I stood on a Metal bridge, leading towards a Chair on a Platform and my Memory was triggered immediately.

"This is where 'i' fought Catra" i thought, to lost in the memory to notice someone behind me. I felt a sharp pain on my neck and everything went dark.

When I wake up I am in a small room. My cell has a Bed, is locked by a green force field and i knew i would not get out unless i turn full She-ra which i would still like to keep secret

I feel horrible. They all relied on me and once again i fuck it up. "Some Hero i am....i'm so sorry everybody" i think to myself

"Great work youself fucking captured urgh...what is wrong with me trusting the lizard fuck i didn't even know" i mumble to nobody

"Now now Darling no need to be nasty" said a voice coming from outside. I couldn't see who it was but the way they talk, made it not hard to figure out

"DT...what do you want?"

"to talk"

"Okay, how about I start. Fuck you....your turn" i say with a smirk i know they can't see

"....listen i get that you are sort of miffed that i turned out not as helpful as i led on to be...but to be honest you People are far to trusting"

"Yeah screw you too" i say getting more and more pissed

"I was hired to get you here Adora. I have fulfilled my part of that transaction and Prime his. Wich means if someone were to hire me right now i would help them just as much as i helped him"

I start to get what they are saying "so you're telling me your loyalty can be bought?"

They laugh in a quiet giggly way "As can everybody's darling, i just don't pretend to be better honey"

"I doubt that. You could not buy me" i say

"really? How about if i held a knife to your Kitten's throat while she's unconscious?"

"WHAT?" i can feel rage immediately spill from my eyes as my fist ball up

"See? just because you think you can't be bought with money, doesn't mean you can't be bought in other ways, threatening your loved ones is just one of many. We all sell different parts of ourself darling. Some do it proudly and most of us hide it in shame"

I thought about this for a few seconds, letting my anger abide a bit "okey okey you made your point....sick fuck"

"why thank you, blondie" i could feel their grin behind the green shield

"so what do you want if you help me here?" i ask them

"my own Theatre district in Bright Moon. My shows, my Audience, my everything. I already have enough Cash to finance me for a year but i can never get the permit to build it. I plan big baby"

"...ömm you do know i have no real influence and you just betrayed the people that could have helped you"

"i am well aware, honey. That's why helping you is a 2 for 1 deal for me. The talent i plan to hire ain't cheap and you underestimate what Prime payd for you"

"All i can promise you is that i talk to the Queen but i can't guarantee that it will change anything. Take it or leave it"

"good enough. I know you are a Woman of your word Adora" they say

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