Chapter 3: Getting in

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Narrator POV

Dread would come closest to what Catra felt in the moment Adora walked out of the Shadows of their once shared sleeping Quarter. Beads of cold Sweat formed on her Face and Back that, combined with a myriad of Feelings, made her increasingly nauseous. Her first instinct, honed by years of Horde indoctrination, told her to unsheathe her Claws and shout for someone and make the presence of the Traitor known....yet her own Mind was not even close to making that decision.

"Not too happy to see me take it" Adora said with a sad smile."i get that i should not even be here.....i just want to talk"

Catras first instance of Shock slowly dissipated, leaving room for her own emotions to surface. The first one, her most used and most trusted, Anger washed over her like putting on an old comfy Sweater. "What do you think you are doing here Adora?" she spat the Girls name like it burned her mouth to even get it out. "How did you even get in here without anyone locking you up?"

Adora, far to calm for comfort, just shrugged "i couldn't sleep.......and you seem to have forgotten about the old Tunnel we found when we were 9"


"This is it" Adora proudly showed Catra a small Hole in the Corner of their living Quarters like she hadn't found it purely by accident. The Hole was barely big enough to let one of them Crawl through.

"You woke me up to show me....a Hole?" Catra muttered rubbing her Eyes " and whatnot i'm back to Bed"

"nonono wait ....don't you get it? this HAS to lead somewhere interesting don't you think?"

"I doubt that... What could be interesting about this place?" In the last four years since they knew each other, the two friends have seen all there was in the old industrial Complex like Buildings they inhabited or at least Catra was certain that there was nothing new to find in here. "best case scenario we find out it leads to the Kitchen....worst case we pop up in the black Garnet Chamber or Hordaks Sanctum and then have fun explaining that one Adora"

"What if it leads....outside?" Adora smiled

THAT got Catras attention "You are kidding right?" A way out of the Metal halls, to fresh Air to Explore more than just the little Prison they had was a Dream come true for them both but especially to Catra who became more and more desperate over the years to obtain the Freedom to roam.

Catra got closer to the Hole and sniffed for any trace of smell that could tell her what was on the other side and indeed it smelled like nothing she knew. Her Ears picking up small sounds of what she guessed were Birds chirping, awakened an old instinct that lay dormant in the half Cat for a long time. Before Adora could even realize what happened, Catra jumped into the Hole.

Flashback end

"And? that Hole was barely big enough for a 9 yo let alone a 18yo or what does your stupid Sword give you shrinking powers as well?" Catra exclaimed, crossing her Arms over her Chest.

"i wish" the Blonde answered with an eye roll and started to explain

2 hours prior:

Adora wandered through the Whispering Woods lost in thought. She wanted to get away from it all , from her new responsibilities, from the Rebellion, from being She-ra even just for a few Hours that she couldn't sleep anyway.

The Woods had always held a strange fascination for Adora. At first she was afraid of course because of all the Stories the Horde would make up about it but after finding the Sword, Razz and some smaller Villages living in it it became strangely Tranquil. Sometimes she could swear the Trees themselves could talk or change positions to make getting where you wanted to go as complicated as possible......but of course that was just her Mind playing tricks on her...right?

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