Chapter 26 : Into the Catradoraverse...kinda

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TW: mentions of Sex

Catras POV:

The last few days were ....screw it...why lie to myself, the best days of my life (apart from the one i met Adora and the day she told me she Loves me) and i could barely believe i was allowed to be this happy.

I remember the words we exchanged when we were about to leave "We are so gonna do that again" i said "maybe next time ..just the two of us?" she answered, throwing me into a whirlwind of daydreams, consisting of Naps, Sunbathing with Adora in a Bikini and Sex whenever we wanted, without someone cockblo...Clam-jamming us.

Today we returned to Bright Moon and I was already missing the feeling of freedom this Vacation had implanted inside of me. We split from the Group and went to report to the Queen that we returned.

Now with the King at her side, the Queen was different. Calmer, less threatening but still very much in control "I am pleased you enjoyed your time. With that out of the Way, Catra do you wish for anything?" i was surprised

"didn't I just get a reward?" i asked

"no Adoras wishes included you that's all" Remembering my feelings when we arrived in Mystacor i tell her

"I have more in my life right now than I ever thought I would. If you want to do something, help some Kids that actually need it" the Queen looks surprised

"very well hmmm how about we create an Orphanage that is directly funded by the Crown in your name? "

"Yeah that would do nicely. Thank you" wow...something positive in this World with my Name on it.... who would have thought. Adora gave me another look that conveyed Pride and i already knew she would bring this up again later.

When we left the Throne Room, we went to pay Entrapta a visit. Ignoring her sign, we knock at the Door of 'Darla' which opens up minutes later and walk in. Inside we are strangely reminded of Castle Dyrl with all of the loose Cables, Tools and the sound of Metal work ringing throughout the Hallways.

We find Entrapta in the control Room, as always busy with some Tech stuff. "Hey Entrapta" says Adora but the Purple Haired Girl didn't look at her and continued her work. Slightly annoyed i walk up to her

" listening?"

"I am" she says, a lot quieter than we are used to from her.

"Are you okay?" Adora came up with a worried look

"I think that, if my readings are correct and they usually are, none of us are going to be okay" she told us, not changing her volume even once.

"Talk. Now" i say and with a sigh, Entrapta starts

"My initial assessment of the Fright Zones Energy collision situation was that, by trying to combine two Runestones to the same energy Frequency, they overshot their resource management and could no longer contain the Magic they unleashed but i was wrong...partly"

Adora and i had the same look of 'the fuck you just tell me' wich she noticed.

" matter, I was wrong. Technically their Goal was achieved but not how they planned it to since...well big boom and such. The Horde wanted to create a Portal but not just any Portal, one big enough to pull the whole Planed through."

I look at her confused "what do you mean they achieved their goal? The Planet didn't go anywhere?" Adora noded

"It didn't but that Explosion was like...hmm how do i explain this" she stands up and walks over to a pile of stuff and pulls out a Chalkboard. Entrapta proceeds to make a sketch of a Planet with rings going out, getting bigger and bigger in the process.

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