Chapter 5: Not out of the Woods yet

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TW: Swears and Cursing

Narrator POV:

The two Girls ran as fast as they could not letting go of each other. Both Minds and Hearts racing faster than they thought they could, dodging Trees, Bushes and smaller Branches as good as possible. Neither really thinking where to run just as far away as possible. After what felt like hours they both stopped, breathing heavily and sweat drenched, they collapsed to their knees.

Catras POV:

I can't believe i just did this. I just abandoned betrayed everything i had for what? for Adora? No....but the way she talked about me to Shadow Weaver still rang in my Head.


After treating her like a nuisance when she showed up and staying in the Horde without her, she still had this much trust in me? shocked me a little to be honest. I thought she hated me for not coming with her, for taking the Hordes side, for breaking our Promise...but then again so had she.

After catching our breaths Adora looked at me with an unreadable expression "i can't believe you just did that....that felt cathartic by proxy"

"I know right? I wanted to do this since i was 6 " i smiled weakly

"But why did you do it? at that moment?" Adora asked, while we started to walk slowly no idea in which direction "you could have just ....idk let her do whatever she was gonna do to me"

I thought about it but could not easily come up with an answer "not sure was more impulse" i added more quietly "didn't want to see her hurt you too" Adora beamed a big smile at me for that "IT'S NOT BECAUSE I LIKE YOU!"

"i didn't say anything" she smirked happily

I sighed and continued "maybe were right" Adora stopped walking and just looked at me with a big ? on her Face "the last 2 weeks were boring as hell. At first I thought I could finally move up in the World when Hordak made me Force Captain .....but nothing changed. It only got worse when I realized that I don't even have anybody to tell that I had finally achieved something. It felt....idk empty. They made another Force Captain like my partner but she is just....a bit much....i mean who hugs someone they don't even know out of nowhere and like she wants to literally kill me? Add to that the Fact that apparently I can no longer sleep alone and the Fact that i would rather kill someone then look for another Bunkmate.....maybe i missed you or idk whatever" i start walking away from her.

Adora follows me, smiling a bit and we just continue our way through the woods in a surprisingly comfortable Silence.

It was still very much Night and Adora could not see much but stopping was out of the question in Fear the Fright Zone would send someone to find us. After her 5th or so stumble i just took her hand so we stop losing time.

"I missed you too" she says after about 10 minutes with a slight blush on her cheeks.

I hate all of this but I can't hide the fact that I am happy to be around her again so I don't say anything. After a few more minutes I stop and ask "So what's the Plan here where do we go from here?" I try to get out of whatever mood this is.

"Gonna be honest with you Catra, I was not planning any of this. I wanted a break from being everyone's Hero, from the far to uncomfortable and empty Bed, from being She-ra. Full disclosure: while I am glad that I did , I didn't plan on seeing you tonight. The Woods kinda led me right to the Fright Zone and i remembered the Tunnel i had not thought of in years. I just left the sword, put on my old Clothes and walked into the Woods." she explained "figured i couldnt sleep anyway and would only torture myself in cenarios and what ifs if i had stayed in Bed"

slightly disappointed, I thought "so she didn't...want to see me" but put it out of my Mind, since she had the chance to walk away but still entered the Fright Zone.

"What do you mean with scenarios and what ifs?" i asked confused

"I imagined the day in Thaymor.....trying to find the right Words to say that would make you even consider coming with me"

"and? Did you find them?" i asked with a smirk she couldn't see

"...No. Even in my own imagination i knew i fucked up by just leaving." she stopped walking but still held onto my Hand "I'm sorry. I should never have left. I should have come back with you, talk to you, make you see why i was doing this...not make you feel like i abandoned you" Adora sounded like she was nearly crying.

I felt a small pang of guilt when she said it with so much sincerity in her Voice so i interrupt her before she can break down on me here "In the end I left you there too. More out of shock from seeing She-ra to be honest but yeah.....might have been better ways about it".

Silence again, slightly less comfortable but not an uncomfortable one.

"Are you" Adora started "are you coming back to Bright Moon with me?"

There it was. The question I knew she would ask the second I had hit Shadow Weaver. Truth be told, I did consider it before today but was always stopped by my own ego or fear of losing the only place I ever called Home. A shit Home but Home non the less. Now that I had, without a doubt betrayed the Horde, where else would I go? Stopping at a clearing i look up to see the Moon was nearly gone. Must have been maybe a few Minutes away from Sunrise.

"No" I say with a slightly shaken Voice "They wouldn't even accept me and I have nothing to do with the Princesses. We can't all be lucky and find a Magic Sword that makes us one of them Adora. I'll get you there and then I'm gonna....." My Voice trails off since I don't have an answer for that.

"They will!" Adora snaps back "and if they don't....i'll leave with you...wherever you want to go"

I can hardly believe she just said that. I turn around to look at her "you are not gonna leave them Adora you have a Hero complex as big as the Moon and always need to save somebody"

The Sun had come up while we were still standing in the small clearing. I could now see Adoras Face clear as Day and for the first time in 2 weeks fully illuminated. Her Eyes still the same bright Blue like a bright Sky, her Hair a bit disheveled but still the same beautiful golden Blond it always was and her smile still radiant as the Sun itself.

She answers "I would for you" looking me right in the Eyes without a hint of wavering and a Determination i didn't expect.

My Face feels Hot all of a sudden and I let go of her Hand in a weird Panic my Body was going through, noticing certain feelings I thought long buried deep inside of myself.

"F..ffine if yyou say so" i mutter quietly while looking away. "WHY AM I STUTTERING?"

"Lead the way Princess" i try to say more calmly. She looks around and starts walking away from the clearing into the Woods again. "you coming?" i hear once i find my bearings again and start walking towards her thinking "hope i don't regret this"

After a short while we exited the Woods standing atop a small cliffside overseeing all of Bright Moon Castle. I had seen it only in pictures up to this point in mission briefings and i was kind of impressed by the huge glowing Building with white stannics, great Doors and brilliant colorful shimmering Windows. Slightly annoyed by all the pointless opulence i hear Adora exclaim "Welcome to Bright Moon, Catra" and she started making her way towards the Castle.

With a slight grimace and a very bad feeling in my Stomach i follow her....hoping for the best.


not much to say about this Chapter i'm afraid. Hope you have a nice Day and enjoyed it

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