Chapter 28 : Prime

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Adoras POV:

Back at the War Room I explain what we learned, making Catras grip on my hands so tight it almost hurts. I leave out the details of what I've seen the Catra of the other World do. She does not deserve to be seen differently because of something she didn't even do.

Entrapta tells us we apparently missed Pillar like structures, crashing into the Planet but no landing Party, making me think that the attack in our World, starts out similar at least

"Okey i ....don't get it" Says Glimmer, the Queen looking at me just as confused "What is your Plan Adora?"

I sigh "We have to get Prime to Etheria but if he knows we have Magic he will only send his Clones"

"wait Clones? how would that even...tho that would explain why they all looked like know what you seen what you seen and i have to trust that" said Catra

"Yes. Prime, at least in the World I've seen, uses Clones of himself and since Hordak exists I assume that is the same in ours. Worst thing is he has the tech to Control ....people" I remember fighting Catra, out of Control only there as a means to hurt me more and clench my Fists.

"So how do we get him here?" asked Bow "I mean he clearly already is near but how do we know for sure?"

I deflate a bit "i...i don't know"

The King speaks up "How about we treat this like any pompous Royal and invite him? Play to his Ego like we heard all about him and Welcome him" everybody was surprised but tries not to show it. The King was on Beast Island for so long, no one thought he could still make intelligent deductions like this. "was... that wrong?" He asked, still unsure about himself.

"No Dad that was a good idea's risky ....but could work" said Glimmer "We already know that he is basically a Cult Leader and loves to be adored"

Catra lifted her Hand "If you think Adora can lie to him, rethink this Plan because she can't act to save her life"

"Hey. I can....sometimes?" i said, mockingly punching Catras shoulder "but she has a point. Im the Worst Liar here."

"Who is gonna Lie to him then? Who is the best Liar among us" asked The Queen and after a short pause

Catra lifts her Hand again "I lied my whole life to Shadow Weaver....doubt you can beat that"

I've seen Catra in pain for about an hour today and remembering her Screams i say "Catra? NO! If he does not buy this, he could kill you"

I said that without thinking "and? So could anyone else?" Catra takes my Hand, turning me around to look at her "do you...not trust me?"

"of course i do" i say, knowing i just indicated a weakness in front of others, very aware im on thin Ice "i would never doubt you could do this.... im just worried"

I expected her to get pissed for underestimating her but she gives me a smug look "I know you are babe but..." she steps closer to me taking my face into her hands and glides them down to my shoulders " i can do this but if not even you think i can, how are they supposed to believe it" moving one hand towards the rest of the group

".....i hate it when you are right" i say, with a sigh

"No you don't" Catra says, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"With that out of the way, what do you want me to say? yeah i can lie but i need something to work with here" Catra says, stepping up to the others.

"Can you be respectful?" Glimmer asks and i think "...can she?" making me giggle, being silence with a look from Catra

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