Chapter 30 : New Home (Final Chapter)

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The Vid is the reason I checked out She-ra and fell in love with the Series and the Fandom. I will always be grateful even if I wish I had seen it sooner. Last Chapter is going to be LONG, be advised.

Narrator POV:

When they made it back, the victory Party was had already started. Glimmer lost no time celebrating the official end of the War after Entrapta had told her the good news about Primes demise.

While they were happy it all ended the way it did, Catra and Adora had only one thing on their mind : The Kiss that felt different they shared on the way home

Neither one was able to explain what made it so different but both felt it. Sadly, the Rebellion could not care less about their feelings as the two Heroes of the Hour were surrounded by their Friends, Soldiers and Townsfolk of Bright Moon, all happy and/or drunk.

The party was the biggest in Bright Moons history and they were not alone. The other Princesses called in to check on them, all with their own celebrations in the background.

When the two finally had a moment for themself, after hours of partying and drinking whatever was handed to them, they found themself in their room, happy but wasted.

"You ar sho dunk Ca...Cac...Car ...C A T.....why is yo name sho hard to spell?" said Adora, crushing to the Bed, smiling happily

"Pffff yo had like halv of what ive hat dumm dumm. like get on ma levl bitch" Catra mumbled, trying to remove her jacket (she still had her 'royal' outfit on) failing to remove her arm "Adora Halp"

Adora lazyly reached out to grab Catras sleeve, without looking and grabs her Tail by mistake, making Catra jump up with a yelp "Babe....itz cute dhat u think i still could have seggs but i doubt it" "showy" Adora says, now helping Catra out of her jacket

Now both in bed, cuddling Adora tries to get up "Waid...fuk we shtill have to do that...talking thing" but Catra pushes her to bed and pulls her closer "sleep now talky later oki?" kissing her on the cheek.

"oke....luv ya" Adora relents "hmm same, dummy" Catra gets out before passing out

The next morning started with an extreme Headache ...or it would have if they had not slept till afternoon. Glimmer and Bow checked in with them but left soon after when both said in unison "Nope" after being asked if they wanted to do something.

After a few hours of just lazing around they both went to take a shower and got some food. Back after taking care of the Body's basic needs it was early evening and they started to talk about the one thing, both were desperate to figure out.

"So what do you think this was?" asked Catra

"How about we figure it out" answered Adora, slowly getting closer and taking Catras cheek into her hand. Leaning in for a Kiss, once again the feeling was something When before it felt like small Fireworks would go off in their Stomachs, now it felt bigger and spread up to their Hearts, warming them and making their breath hitch.

Just a few seconds later it spread lower between their Legs, making both bodies beg for more. They stop and take a breath, looking at each other.

Catras POV:

I couldn't put a name to what I was feeling anymore. Just being near Adora felt like my Body became magnetic and snapped into the perfect outline at her side. I was Whole

"I don't know what this is but....why do i feel that 'Love' is not enough to describe this?" i tell Adora, burying my Face in her shoulder "i know. Maybe this has something to do with us being Soulbond? We might need to ask Light Hope to learn more"

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