Chapter 16 : Horny Cat (SMUT)

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TW: Swears, Cursing, EXPLICIT Sexual content (you can skip this and not miss much if you want. Its clearly highlighted later in the Chapter)

Catras POV

The way back to Plumeria was rather quiet. I walked along Adora in She-ra form with the rest of the group going ahead. "You ok there?" i asked "Scorpia is not exactly a Feather"

"hmm im Ok. She-ra helps" Truth be told, Adora didn't even sweat. I just wanted to talk to her more. Ever since we got together we had not one minute to just talk about it and it started to....irk me.

Worse things worse, I started to notice another problem with Heat was about to start and I will NOT let that be the reason the first time with Adora happens. My Estrus is something that happens every 3 to 4 months for Magicats. A week of heightened senses and exhilarating sexual desire that can be the greatest of Gifts that gives you pleasure beyond Human imagination.... but without a Partner it can become my own personal Hell. When it happened for the first time when i was 14 i was already very aware of my feelings for Adora and sleeping in the same Cot during those weeks became torture so i went away for those 7 days and tried everything to stay away from her never explaining anything. I am going to need to explain it to her and fast...before it's too late.

We arrived in Plumeria and told Peruma about what happened. She and Entrapta were talking when Adora joined me "Hey. Are you okay? you seem to be in your own thoughts a lot"

"oh for fuck sake stop looking at me all worried...i didn't want this" i thought "a bit yeah...we still had no real time and it's starting to piss me off a tad"

"Yeah, I know." Once we are back in Bright Moon and reported back to the Queen so she doesn't hunt you down for not returning as ordered, we can talk as long as we need to"

She puts her Arm around my waist and pulls me towards her "good to know we are on the same page there" i say a bit flustered "i really have a Love/Hate relationship with the effect she has on me" my Tail wrapped around her upper Arm and stays there.

When we start our walk back we begin talking as to what to do if Scorpia wakes up and i explain her Character a bit. "Trust me if she wakes up I can talk to her. She is harmless like a puppy....a big puppy but not a thread"

"You guys are close?" Glimmer eyed me

"no, not really. We were assigned to work together but....let's just say I didn't treat her ...well. She gave me nothing but sincerity and I ignored her and ....she didn't deserve that"

"Hey i'm sure she knows you were in a bad space" Adora says "if she really wanted to be a friend, she will understand".

We walk the rest of the way with only smalltalk and quips. Trying to flirt with my Girlfriend while she looks like a different person and carrying my former colleague did not work out i'm afraid. After a while I feel my irritation growing, make up an excuse and run ahead in the Treetops. I need the exercise anyway and it always works to get my mind off things.

Once back in Bright Moon, Glimmer goes ahead with Bow to report to the Queen what happened in Plumeria and Dyrl. We gave Scorpia over to Medical and she would be under strict watch. We were supposed to report in an hour so we finally have some time to talk. After a much needed Shower we are in our room together.

"So do we start this?" asks Adora

I sit beside her on the Bed, look at her and kiss her deeply, moving my Hands to her neck and shoulders. She kisses back, melting into my touch making me more confident, moving her own hands around my neck. Her smell is intoxicating and it always has been for me to a scary degree. I start moving my Hands under her shirt, letting my Claws run over her abs, making her let out a moan...wait shit. We stop kissing "Ohhh shit shit shit it..... i didn't mean to wanted to go slow and i... "

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