Chapter 17 : Soundproof

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TW:Swears, Curses, Blood, mentions of Sexual content

Catras POV:

The Door opened and we were led inside. The Throne room is empty, besides the Queen and a few Guards. Adora Bowes lightly and i, somewhat half heartedly, follow her example.

"15 minutes late to report" the Queen snides "I am busy enough without waiting on simple reports for you two" Adora steps up and without blushing tells her

"We are sorry you highness a matter of great importance had us held up. It won't happen again" i had to stop myself from smiling. "i hope so" the Queen eyes me curiously.

After we told her everything that Glimmer and Bow had already told her (i have no idea why we were singled out but I suspect she wanted to test if we would mention our connection to Scorpia as a Loyalty thing or something) she spoke again "Good work. I would like both of you present when we start the interrogation of the Prisoner. How well do you know her?"

"I don't, only know her from a distance. Catra was partnered with her for 2 weeks so i doubt either one of us has that great of an insight into Scorpia"

"she's harmless" i interject "annoyingly nice and a brutal hugger but harmless".

"Nevertheless I want you both there to understand?"

"Understood" we both say in unison "damned Horde conditioning" i thought.

"Is she awake yet?" i ask

"not yet. Medical told me they expect her to wake up sometime today so we plan the Interrogation for tomorrow. You may leave" Adora and i turn around to leave until the Queen says "oh and please keep in mind that the Guestrooms are not Soundproof...we might need to fix that. what do you think?" I made it trough the meeting quite well but this broke me. I didn't even turn away from the Door so Adora tells the Queen

that would be greatly appreciated, your highness" with a fake smile and a burning red Face "some things are bound to make a lot of noise" looking back at me. "just kill me please" i thought.

Outside the Throne room we both break down laughing "i can't believe she just said that" Adora wipes a few Tears away

"can i die now please?" i mutter. Adora puts her Arm around my waist and kisses my Forehead

nope. not gonna let that happen to you babe...still feels weird to call you that"

"why?" i asked

"Because we have been Friends for so long, I guess i need time to get used to the new status quo"

"We have time, Adora. And I can wait as long as you need me to until it feels ....right for you" Adora takes my Hand in hers

"no, it already feels right...just scary how little i've realized how much i wanted this". We start walking towards the Dining Room to get Dinner.

Bow and Glimmer were already there. "Hey you two, how did the reporting go?" asks Bow

"No issues" I answer dryly

"as long as the soundproofing gets done" added Adora with a grin, making me spit out my drink. I gave her a glance that meant "don't push your luck" and she understood immediately. Ever since my confession she had experienced an explosion of confidence and brazenness I didn't see coming and even more surprisingly I didn't hate. The other two looked like they didn't get it....."good i don't need them knowing shit" i thought. I felt my Body required a lot more attention then it was given ...damn this Heat.

"We are required to be there when they put the squeeze on Scorpia" I say, Starting to Eat.

Glimmer, finished her Food and asked "While I have you here, do you guys want to have a Sleepover today?" i gave Adora a panicked look

Where i belong (COMPLETE!)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora