His Place

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Jiyong laid Dara's body on his bed. Gently, carefully, as if afraid to wake her up. She was still dressed in what he assumed was her Lady Macbeth dress and it's probably not the best clothes to sleep on.

He shook his head as he removed her shoes and socks. He wanted to remove the dreadful-looking dress too but he knew that she wouldn't appreciate him doing that once she woke up.

He smirked. When did she even appreciate him? He couldn't remember a thing. Maybe once, when she said she was thankful for the food he let her eat. He shook his head, even that was sarcasm on her part.

He sighed as he loosened the lacy knots firmly tied around her waist that seemed to serve as her belt. She groaned in her sleep after that, maybe out of relief as her breathing evened, delving back to sleep.

He couldn't help but smile as he sat on the bed near her head. She looked so peaceful in her sleep. Then he remembered something, she once told him that she likes to sleep her problems away which actually made him sad to hear.

That came from him who he thought was incapable of feeling sad anymore.

He didn't know how it happened, or when it began, but he started to care about her. Too much, actually.

He stared at her pink lips, slightly parted from her deep sleep. His right hand slowly reached for her face and gently touched her lips. If he kissed her now, it won't be the first time. He had stolen kisses from her before. At first, it was curiosity, the next ones were something else. And then as if he couldn't control himself anymore, he bent down his head to plant a soft kiss on those lips.

He knew there was more to it than him simply caring about her but he refused to name it.

Her world and his world are just different.

He pulled back from the kiss as he stared at her face longingly, painfully. It was clear to him, she didn't want to know more about him. She refused to ask him even after that incident last Saturday. Even though she was shaken, she didn't ask him. That has been her since the beginning, though. She would talk and talk about herself but would never ask something personal about him.

He could always tell her but he really opted not to. Yes, he could protect her from his world. He clenched his teeth. No, Woojae knows about her now.

He closed his eyes at the reminder of that and among other things that had happened today. He hung his head low as the truth was bitter in his tongue.

Dara is not safe with him anymore.

A curl on his lips didn't even reach his eyes. Too bad. He was already willing to pretend he was normal to the girl, so they could hang out longer.


Dara woke up that morning to her grumbling stomach. She was hungry. No. She was starving.

She groaned as she refused to wake up by curling on the softest bed she had ever slept on.

She would stay but the smell of bacon and eggs woke all her senses up. She groaned again as she opened her eyes. A bare room painted in dark colors registered in her mind, she blinked her eyes again, just to realize next that she was not in her room.

Any thoughts of going back to sleep disappeared now as she rose up from the bed. Her eyes widened as she quickly checked herself. She's still dressed in her Lady Macbeth dress, she felt nothing strange within her aside from her hunger, much to her relief.

She heaved a deep sigh as she recollected her thoughts of what happened yesterday. The first part was nice - she studied, rehearsed, missed class, dressed up...and the last part was terrible. She closed her eyes at the painful memory. She was not ready to think about it again. She was tired of crying about it.

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