The Date

130 22 28

"Going somewhere?"

Dara looked up to her aunt Hyorin sprawled on the couch, her left foot resting on the table, painting her nails when she stepped outside her room, obviously dressed to go out

It didn't miss her eyes the bottle of soju beside her aunt. Surprisingly enough, Aunt Hyorin seemed sober to talk.

She nodded. "Yes, I'll be going out with a friend." She replied as she made her way to the door, settled down by the entrance where her shoes were placed, and began to put them on.

Hyorin smirked. "A date then?"

She closed her eyes. "Think whatever you want."

Hyorin slammed the nail polish on the table. "Watch your mouth, brat. I know you got paid yesterday. I need money." she snarled. "I'm tired of you freeloading on me."

She bit her tongue from an unwanted comment she was about to say. Please, the government had given Hyorin money when Dara, as a minor, became an orphan. Not to mention, the money that her mother saved for her but of course, her aunt exhausted all of it before she could even get a hold of it when she turned 18. To say that she had been struggling since then was an understatement.


She was more than happy to hear the sound of a car honking, hastening to leave the house.

"I said, I need money, you brat!" Aunt Hyorin yelled.

"I'll cover the groceries for next week," she replied calmly, managing to shut the door just in time to avoid the flying nail polish. Despite the closed door, she could still hear her aunt's enraged screams from inside the house.

"Don't you dare forget to buy my booze!"

Once outside, she took in a deep breath, inhaling the musty scent of Angel Street. A smile spread across her face at the sight of the familiar old Honda Civic parked in front of the house.


She descended the stairs two at a time as she hopped into the front seat of the car. Jiyong, seated behind the wheel, watched her as she swiftly fastened her seat belt.

"What?" she turned to ask when he didn't start driving right away.

"You're usually already waiting outside before I can pull over," he replied.

She caught a glimpse in the side mirror of her house door opening. She shot a glare at him. "Drive. Now."

She didn't need to repeat herself, as he had already noticed and started driving.

"I'm sorry," he apologized when they were past her house. His grip on the steering wheel tightened. "I should've realized your aunt was at home."

She crossed her arms over her chest. "I can't wait to leave that dump."

He briefly glanced at her before refocusing on the road. "You can always move in with me. I already told you that."

She thinned her lips. "And risk your mom – I mean Mrs. Kwon – finding out? Oh gosh, no." She shook her head, warding off the dreadful images in her mind.

He clenched his jaw. "What does the witch have anything to do with my offer?"

She looked ahead of them. "Because she's my boss. She pays me—Jiyong, watch out for that light, it's about to turn red." Instead of heeding her warning, he hit the accelerator. The traffic light was now yellow. She glared at him hard. "Don't you dare beat the red light."

You Are Living In MY World ♱ Gangs ♱ Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt