The Halloween Part 1

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(Act 1 Scene 3)

"Present fears
Are less than horrible imaginings."

Mrs. Kwon lounged in the gazebo in one of those expensive Lanai Lounge Chairs. The patio, surrounded by a beautiful Japanese garden perfect for alfresco dining, was fitting for the madame on that October morning in the fall weather.

Dara carefully placed a cup of English breakfast tea in front of Madame as her long and elegant fingers scanned a fashion magazine.

Madame put the teacup to her lips, sipping the tea slowly.

"Lovely weather today, isn't it?" The madame asked, her eyes remaining fixed on the magazine.

She nodded and bowed. "Yes, ma'am."

"It would be lovelier if my good-for-nothing husband joined me. Him and his stupid business trips!" The elegance in her stance disappeared as her voice raised this time.

Dara didn't say anything back as she kept her head bowed.

"It's been weeks he's been gone, and people are starting to look for him! For goodness' sake!" Madame thinned her perfect lips. "And here I am playing the 'ol good politician wife and running his office for him with a smile on my face for cameras—like a fool! How many ribbon cuttings did I do the past weeks, huh Dara?"

"Four, ma'am," she answered, her head still bowing slightly.

The madame huffed as she tried to compose herself. "When will he be back again?" she asked after calming down a little.

"In three days, ma'am," Dara answered politely.

Madame closed her eyes at this, her temper rising again. "On the day of the Charity Event of all days!" And added some expletives thrown at her husband next.

She remained silent, seemingly unbothered by her boss's outbursts.

Then, Madame closed her eyes, attempting to calm herself by counting her breaths as her yoga instructor taught her. After a moment, she opened her eyes and slammed the magazine on the table, revealing a page for Dara to see.

The woman on the page wore a beautiful black sparkly ball gown, a tiara on her head, and a white mask covering her face. What caught her attention the most was what the woman was holding—a severed head of a man on a platter, clutched between her hand and hips as if it were a branded bag worthy of a front cover.

Madame grinned as she looked at it. "Let's make it exciting for my husband, shall we? I'm in the mood to dress up for Halloween. Let's call it 'Charity Event slash Halloween Party.'" Madame marveled at her idea and then looked at Dara.

If she was surprised by that sudden news, she didn't show it on her face; she only nodded politely.

Madame thinned her lips and waved at her, seemingly dismissing her. "You're serving this event, but I hope you loosen up sometimes. You're too stiff, Dara," she remarked. "Call Rose, my assistant, so she can convey the changes to the guests this Saturday. Then you can go."

"Yes, ma'am," she said.

But before she could leave, madame seemed to remember something else. "Oh, also, don't forget the invitation card for Jiyong. It should be in the glass bowl by the entryway table." The madame waved to dismiss her.

She honestly didn't know what to feel about that as she bowed to leave her boss.

"Yes, ma'am." The words she could only say.

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