The Monster

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It was already dark outside, and the chilly wind made Dara hug herself tightly. Her stomach rumbled with hunger, and she had an hour left before her part-time job would begin. It being a Friday night, the dining bar where she worked would get busy once it opened.

She winced at the thought of the many plates she would have to wash. The dishwasher in the bar was still scheduled to be fixed, so until then, she would have to wash everything by hand as a kitchen helper.

Suddenly, a warm object gently touched her cheek, instantly providing her with warmth as she held onto it. It was a hot can of Boss cocoa. She smiled at the person standing next to her now.

It was Jiyong.

"Were you waiting for me?" She asked him as she opened the can and took a sip, ignoring the fact that the liquid inside was hot. She would endure it for the sake of her grumbling stomach.

"No," he replied, securing his guitar over his shoulder and beginning to walk.

She didn't quite believe him, but she chose not to press further as she walked beside him. "I still think you're being paid well below average at the bar. You should consider charging more, especially given how good your band is," she remarked as they made their way towards their workplace, the -ONE bar.

They turned into a dark alley, where a few people were engaged in various things, from smoking to making out or just standing alone, seemingly seeking solace in the darkness.

While this area was one that most people would avoid, the two didn't mind taking the shortcut. The somewhat shady figures noticed them, their eyes first on her and then on him, studying his face before wisely deciding to keep any unpleasant comments to themselves.

They passed through this area unscathed.

She glanced back at the area they had just passed through. "I'd never take that shortcut without you. It gives me the creeps," she confessed, seemingly out of the blue.

He looked at her and raised an eyebrow. "Says someone who lives in the shadiest part of town."

She nodded. "That's precisely how I can tell which areas truly need to be avoided," she quipped, jabbing her thumb toward the alley. "That, for example." She shrugged.

He didn't respond as they reached the bar.

She went in through the back door, while he headed to the front.

"I hope you'll be playing some jazz tonight!" She called out as she punched in the code to open the back door.

He snorted in response, and she laughed as she disappeared behind the door.

He waited until the door closed securely, catching a glimpse of her retreating figure before making his way to the front. His bandmates were already busy tuning their equipment for tonight's gig.

He also noticed a line forming in front of the bar, with people eagerly waiting to be seated. A bright neon sign that read -ONE illuminated the top of the bar, giving a vibrant glow across the entire alley.

'It's going to be a busy night,' he contemplated as he walked inside.


She had lost count of how many plates she had washed that night, causing her to lose track of time. She stole a glance at the clock and realized it was almost eleven, the end of her shift.

As she finished washing the last round of plates, she wiped her hands on her apron. That's when the club owner slash manager entered the kitchen and approached her.

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