Double Life

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"What are you doing here, Ms. Park?" Mr. Jin, Theater Club's head teacher, asked Dara when she barged into the faculty room with a hurried pace. He glanced at his watch at 1:20 p.m. He thinned his lips. "Aren't you supposed to be in class--"

"Do I still have my role?" She demanded, cutting the teacher.

Mr. Jin frowned and confused. "What are you talking about?"

She heaved a sigh, as she looked straight at the teacher's eyes. "I'm still playing as Lady Macbeth, right, right?" Her eyes pleading.

Mr. Jin looked at her like she had grown two heads. "Of course. Is there something I should know about? Because you're not making sense right now." He stated, matter-of-factly.

It was enough for her to hear that as she smiled now, feeling relieved as she shook her head no. "Nothing! Just checking things before the big rehearsal next week! Bye, Mr. Jin!" Then she turned around before Mr. Jin could inquire more.

She was in a better mood as she left the faculty room, softly closing the door behind then turned around...just to bump into someone,

...causing loads of papers to scatter through the air.

"Ouch!" A man grunted.

She frowned immediately. Why does this guy like to bump into her?

She was nursing her shoulder when she looked up to glare at Jaejoong who was equally pissed.

"Watch where you're going, Park," he hissed, annoyed too. He bent down to pick up the papers scattered on the floor.

If it was other people, she would've helped but not this person as she looked the other way, ready to leave.

"Seriously?" He asked as he stood up. She was forced to look at him. He rolled his eyes at her. "You're stepping on one of the papers, idiot."

She frowned at him as she kicked the paper she was stepping on. He shook his head seeing this.

"Such a stuck-up woman. You didn't even offer any help when you caused this." He picked up the paper and then studied her. "You are probably also the type of person who would not offer her 'thanks' when receiving help."

She crossed her arms over her chest. "It's not my fault, Kim Jaejoong. You're on the way." She said. Why, she's bantering with him now, she has no idea. He pissed her off easily. "And don't worry, you won't hear any 'thanks' from me..." she eyed him from head to toe. "As I will never ask for your help." She ended as she was about to turn her back.

"What are you doing here anyway? Begging teachers to let you take the tests after missing tuition payments?" He asked in a condescending tone.

He is truly annoying her as she showed it on her face, "It's none of your business, Kim." then to the papers he was holding. "How about you? Playing apple suckers to the teachers again?"

He smirked. "I don't have to do that. I'm already the teachers' favorite. Everyone likes my face and celebrity status here-"

"Not me." Cuts her, rolling her eyes at him.

He looked at her interestingly. "Why do you hate me so much, Park? Do you like me?" He asked.

She actually laughed out loud hearing that it echoed in the deserted hallways, there were even tears in her eyes. Gosh, this man is really something. "Do you even hear yourself? You're so full of yourself." She then made a face as if thinking for a sec. "That answered your question. You're so arrogant. Such a jerk, too."

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