Elenas POV.

After I got home from school, I immediately asked Isabella if she wanted to hang out she said that she was hanging out with Jason but when she wasn't busy later on, she would love to hang out with me. I wasn't upset because she promised to hang out with me later on around 9 o'clock I was going to go to bed until someone knocked on the door. When I said come in I saw it was Isabella. She said that she was going to come earlier but she was so caught up and she was sorry I told her it was OK I can tell that somethings wrong with her so I asked her what happened. She told me that her and Jason went ice-skating and then some bimbo walked up trying to flirt with him. She lied and said that they were dating so the bimbo left.

So he just left you there didn't walk you home or anything what have you got kidnapped or worse! I said looking at her after she told me everything that happened.

Honestly, I don't know I mean yes I'm still talking to Xavier. I told him that I wasn't looking for a relationship right now because I kind of wanna date Jason but he's starting to give me mixed signals I can't keep him out of my head! She said laying on my bed.

Yeah, he will do that to you go see him tomorrow and explain to him how you feel or he's going to be at school tomorrow so you can talk to his mom maybe get a little information out of her! I said sitting on the bed next to her.

She gave me a small smiles, and I always know what to say. We ended up hanging out until it was time for her to go home. She said that she'll see me later and left the next morning when I woke up I got dressed for school and went to school today was going good so far and I did all of my schoolwork and all of my extra homework I was doing some extra work in the library just so I can get extra credit. My grades weren't bad but I had a D in math and I wanted to bring it up to a B I got up to go get me a math book when I found the right one I picked it up when I was looking through it I was about to leave until I heard Jason and his friends voice.

So your dad wanted you to use Isabella so you can get a scholarship from her father dude that's cool! Jason's friend said.

I guess I'm just doing it to make my parents happy because I know if I told him no, they will be furious and tell me that they wasted all their money! Jason said looking at his friend.

When Jason said that I couldn't believe my ears Isabella was over here fantasizing about him, thinking that she was in love and Jason is just using her to get a scholarship for college. I had to tell Isabella quick after school was over I quickly went to Isabella's house she didn't answer her bedroom window was open, so I figured she was probably busy. The only thing I could do was climb up the drain pipe after I made it to her roof. I had to hurry up, so I didn't fall when I fell through her window she quickly helped me up and asked me what was wrong when I was doing here. I told her that I had to hurry up and tell her what I just heard.

Jason does not like you Isabella he's using you for a scholarship for college! I said out of breath.

What...no be true. He literally just text me 15 minutes ago and asked me to meet him at his house apparently his mom is having dinner and wants me to come over! She said smiling at me.

I'm telling you, Isabella Jason is bad vibes. I heard it myself. Him and his friend were talking about it in the library! I said trying to convince her.

My hand was on her shoulder. She looked at me, and she looked at my hand she backed up, taking my hand off her shoulder. She looked at me up and down, and said that I was lying and she didn't believe me. She said Jason doesn't even like libraries. I can tell she was upset, so I was trying to tell her that it was true, but she told me to leave so I did after I left I went home and my grandma was asleep on her recliner watching the wheel of fortune. I put a blanket over her and kiss her. Good night I went to bed but I woke up around 1 o'clock in the morning I heard noises downstairs it sounded like my grandma had company over when I went into the kitchen. My father was sitting at the table eating leftovers while my grandma was washing dishes I thought I was dreaming, so I pinched myself, but when I saw that I was awake, I ran to him He picked me up and told me that he really missed me.

I was confused because he told me that he couldn't get any vacation time. He told me that he put his foot down and told his sergeant that it was important and it was a family emergency. I don't know if I believe tomorrow night because I noticed that when he was telling me that he kept looking away, I don't wanna question him so I left it alone that night? I watched movies with my dad until I fell asleep the next morning I woke up I spent the morning in the afternoon with my dad until someone knocked on the door when I opened it it was Jason. He looked like he hasn't been asleep in a few hours. I told him I didn't wanna talk to him so I closed it but he told me it was an emergency. He said that him and Isabella got into a huge fight last night and he's been calling her nonstop but she won't answer the phone. My father asked if everything was OK. I told him it was me and Jason went to the back porch and I close the door and told him that she would have answered the phone. If he didn't lie to her he was confused so I told him to cut the crap. I let him know that I heard him and his friend talking about how he was using her for a scholarship for college.

As soon as I said that he looked at me and that's what I knew that he didn't wanna do it.

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