Isabellas POV.

After the football game, I went home and fell asleep. Honestly, I had a lot of fun at the football game, considering it was the only thing that I did by myself before I went to bed I texted my mom and told her that I was OK and that I made it home safely. I even sent her a picture so she can see that I wasn't lying or that I wasn't kidnapped. She wanted a bodyguard to stay with me but I kept telling her that I was fine the next morning when I woke up, I fix me a bowl of cereal and was watching cartoons when I heard the front door open. I knew my mom was home she came into the living room, and I turn down the TV and she smiled and told me that she missed me. She didn't told me that she had a present for me when I opened it it was a really cute dress. She knows I only wear dresses during her house parties or award ceremonies that I go to with my parents so I asked her if something was coming up she shook her head no and told me that she just got it for me because it reminded her of me honestly, it was a pretty dress.

I told her thank you I ended up hanging out with Xavier today. My mom was surprised that I was talking to a boy so I explain to her who Xavier was. I told her that I met him at the mall and we've been hanging out since she kept asking me if I like him or if I was going to take him and I kept telling her no because honestly I wasn't sure I mean Xavier is cool he's pretty funny but I honestly don't feel a connection with him plus I kind of have feelings for Jason even though I told myself that I would never fall for him because he's obsessed with football but he's really cool I know I probably hurt his feelings when I told him that I was tired and didn't want to hang out but honestly I was I mean Xavier had me all over the place first we went to the mall and then we went to the park after the park. I thought we were going to go back to my house to relax but then he wanted to get lunch.

I mean lunch with him was pretty cool he let me talk and we talked about things that we both like but after lunch I was super tired and I guess he saw that so he told me that he'll walk me home I just feel like Xavier is more of an outgoing person, and he has a lot of energy than I do I need someone who has the same energy as me not someone who's all over the place I ended up taking a two hour nap. I woke up because Elena was calling me after I got done talking with her. I went downstairs to ask my mom if I can spend the night at Elenas. house I thought my mom was going to say no but to my surprise she said yes she told me that it was the weekend so she wasn't worried after I packed my sleeping bag. I went to her house to be honest with you. The only reason why I said I wanted to go to Elena's house, because Elena told me about a party that a boy at her high school was throwing.

I never been to a high school party the only party that I've been to was whenever my mom threw a party for my dad's birthday or whenever my parents were celebrating an achievement they made watch that was filled with a grown-up people and kids who were my age But we're kind of bougie and acted like they were grown as I was sitting in Alayna's room, she was showing me what she was going to wear to the party. I didn't really like her clothes, so why brought her over a pair of shorts and a crop top she kept telling me that she didn't want to wear it because she liked her clothes and she didn't want to change herself, but I told her that it would look really cute on her so she ended up wearing it about an hour later we were standing in front of the house. There was kids drinking and talking outside and judging by how loud it inside was the house was packed with kids who were drinking and partying.

Elena was scared because she doesn't really go to party either but I told her that it was OK when we walked inside, I saw Ryan I waved at him and he came up to me. He told me that he was surprised that I was here considering how my parents were famous and I'm not in school. I told him that I was in school I was just homeschooled and that my mom said I can go because it was the weekend he didn't say anything to Elena, which I thought was weird, but I just brushed it off. He told me that since it was my first party that I should probably relax a little bit. We followed him into the kitchen He gave each of us a drink and told us to only take a little bit of sips and said that this will help us relax .

It burn my throat when I drink dead but honestly it wasn't that bad after he left Alina told me not to drink anymore because it was alcohol and we were under age honestly, that was true so I switched it out for a soda. I didn't really know anybody here except for Ryan so I stayed with him while he was introducing me to his friends. I honestly thought he was going to tell his friends that I was a daughter of a famous football player and a famous model, but he just told them that I was doing town and I was looking for friends I got hit on by so many guys I guess it was because of the dress I was wearing a couple of girls came up to me and told me that they like my dress and wanted to know where I got it from so I explain to them that my mom got it from New York are you and gave them the website and said they can order it online This one girl came up to me judging by how preppy she was she was a cheerleader.

She kept telling me that I looked familiar, and that I was killing it in that dress before I can say anything I heard you're familiar voice come up beside her when I looked, I saw it was Jason. He handed her a drink. She smiled and kissed him on the cheek what's that mean? He was shocked that I was here The girl said that she wasn't feeling well so she was going to step outside to get some air after she left. You asked me what I was doing here so I told him.

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