Jason's POV.

I knew I should've just stayed home. If I would've stayed home, I wouldn't have gotten in trouble and I wouldn't have had to listen to my mom and dad yell at me or tell me that they are disappointing me I thought my mom was going to pick me up but the officer told me that my dad was on his way and that's when I knew I was going to get in serious trouble in the whole car ride to the house, he kept telling me that if I had time to party then I have time to practice my throws she also kept telling me that football players don't get into good colleges if they're constantly drinking alcohol and partying and then when I got home, my mom kept yelling at me telling me that I should know better than that I'm setting a bad example for my sister.

My mom was going to ground me for three weeks, but my dad said that he was just going to take away my electronics and I was to clean the house every day so my father took away my gaming system and my phone and told me that tomorrow morning I was to wake up and clean the kitchen so I ended up going to bed but the next morning I woke up and I started cleaning the kitchen. I wash the dishes, clean the sink out, clean the counters, sweep and mop the floor. After I told my dad I was done. He shook his head and told me to clean the fridge to talk to bottom so I did then he told me to clean the cabinets from top to bottom so I did after I did that it was 12 o'clock in the afternoon I was about to sit down and relax until my father told me that he wants me to pick up the backyard and mow the lawn as I was mowing the lawn. I was thinking about what Isabella told me.

She was right me and Ryan shouldn't have bullied Elena just because of the way she looks or the way she talks honestly, one of the cheerleaders came up with the name that we call her it is true that I used to bully her but that was before I even knew Isabella. I was halfway mowing the lawn when I looked and saw that Isabella was reading a book wall sitting on her windowsill I with my hands in the air to get her attention, but to my surprise, she looked at me. She didn't say anything. She just quietly closed her window and close the curtains, which means that she still upset after what happened after I got done doing my chores. My father said that I was done for the day and told me to go back upstairs, so that's what I did he told me that tomorrow he was going to take me somewhere I didn't know where because I was when I asked him he said I will see you when I get there. I ate dinner and then I went back to my room ended up getting thirsty so I went downstairs to get me some water but I stopped when I heard my father and mother talking in the living room.

Honestly, I don't understand why he did it obviously he doesn't care about his future! My father said looking at my mom.

Honey, I know what you did was wrong, but you do gotta realize he's constantly playing football. He probably just wanted a break even though the break that he took was the wrong choice! She said, holding his hand.

I want him on the right path. I don't want him partying and drinking tomorrow morning. I'm going to talk to Isabella's mom to see if I can get her husband to give us a scholarship. I feel like it would be good for Jason! He said looking at my mom.

OK fine if you think what you're doing is a good idea then I'm OK with it! My mom said, kissing my fathers cheek.

I quietly went back to my room. I felt really bad because I know my parents have been busting their butt to get me to where I am today the next morning I woke up and went downstairs to eat breakfast. My mom didn't say anything to me and my little sister kept quietly looking at me as I was eating my bowl of cereal my father told me to hurry up and get dressed. He said he wanted to take me somewhere I was confused. I tried to ask him where, but he told me that that doesn't matter after I eat my bowl of cereal I got dressed when I came back downstairs my mom fix my hair just cooperate and everything will go smoothly. She said that she wouldn't be home later on today because she's going to spend the day with my sister but when I get back she wants me to tidy up the house.

As I was sitting in the car looking out the window, my father was listening to a football radio station. He didn't say anything to me, and I was trying to figure out where we were going to my surprise, we went to a cemetery. I looked at him and asked him if he was going to kill me. He told me that he was my father and that he wasn't going to kill me. He just wanted to have a talk with me. He got out of the car and told me to get out so I did as he was walking. He told me that he just wanted what was best for me explain to me, but getting on the scholarship from Isabella's father will be good for me and the rest of my family.

He told me that he was just like me. He explained to me that his father was constantly pushing him to work hard. I asked him if he played football, he shook his head and said that he played soccer he explained to me that his father would wake him up every day so he can practice, and then one day the accident came. I was confused, because my father never told me any of this we ended up going to see his father. His father died when I was three years old My father would always tell me that he was a good man but the way my father looked at his father's grave. I was starting to think that that was a lie. He told me that every day he wishes his father was alive, so he would've listened to what his father said.

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