Isabellas, POV, part two.

When I got to Jason's house, his mom open the door and smiled. She said it was so good to see my beautiful face when I went inside. She asked me if I wanted some breakfast. I told her I was OK when Jason finally came downstairs His mom told him to be safe and not to do anything that will get him in trouble. I told her not to worry and we left. Jason thought that we were going to go back to my house to watch the movies but I took out my list and told him that that was for later on.

You made a list of the things we are going to do today? He said looking at the paper .

No, I made a bucket list of the things that I am going to do with you to show you that there's more to life than football. We're not going to be able to do all these things today so we'll just have to hang out these couple of days! I said smiling at him.

What about Xavier won't , he get mad considering you guys are going out? He said looking at me up and down.

What me and Xavier we're not dating we're just hanging out why did he say he was going to ask me out I mean, it's not like I care or anything! I said trying to cover it up.

We get it you like him, so what's the first thing on this list? he said looking at the paper.

I took the paper back and told him that the first thing is to go to the library when I said that he gave me a boring look. I explain to him that it would be fine. I told him that since I loved art so much I looked to see if you guys have any art classes and apparently every Friday they have an art class at the library. I grabbed his hand and told him it was going to be fun when we walked into the library and really got hit in the face with the smell of books. Honestly, I do like reading, and I like art as well, so I'm pretty excited for this The lady told all of us to find a seat as I was sitting on the store in front of my canvas. Jason was next to me. She explained to me that are is beautiful, but it's also very easy.

We have some experts in this class, and we also have some beginners so I want you guys to paint this bowl of fruit doesn't matter if it's terrible or good! The lady said looking at everyone.

When she said we can begin, she was telling us to let the colors decide where they want to go as I was painting I noticed someone was looking at me. I turned and saw that Jason was looking at me. I gave him a small smile as we were painting I noticed that Jason was concentrating, but I also saw that he was having fun when everybody was done. Everyone went around the room to look at everybody's painting three people stopped and said that my painting was absolutely beautiful I told him thank you I saw Jason looking at everybody's paintings so I walked towards him and asked him if he was having fun so far he said that he thought it was going to be boring, but it was actually pretty nice. He said he never did try painting before and he's kind of good at it when he showed me his painting it was actually pretty good other than the bowl being a little bit too small and the apple and a banana being too big he did a pretty good job.

After we dropped off the paintings at our houses I told him that the next stop was to the park he said he already been to the park. I explained to him that yes he's been to the park, but it was for him to practice football as we were walking he was asking me how it went when my mom picked me up from the police station I told him that she didn't talk to me after we went home but the next morning she did and she just kept talking about how her career was going to go down the drain if people found out, her daughter was drinking at high school parties and getting arrested and then told him that I sort of freaked out and yelled at her and told her that I didn't want any of this honestly, it felt nice talking to her I saw a little pond with some ducks. I asked him if he wanted to feed them, and he said sure, so as I had duck feet in my hands, I smiled and watched as he careful he went up to a medium size duck. He was kind of scared because he didn't want them to attack us, but he got used to it.

I don't know what came over me, but I started thinking about what would happen if me and Jason started dating I figure that if we do day I can get him to start liking more things other than football only thing is is I kind of like Xavier as well after we fed the dogs we continue to walk around. I asked him if he wanted to get lunch so he said sure so as we were at the little café, talking, we were waiting for our food is lazy. Jason smile about doing other things besides, football made me really happy for him. When I first met Jason I told myself that I didn't want to start hanging out with him because I already had enough people talking about football in my life, but I realize that it was my job to show him there's more to life than football I really wanted to ask why his father was talking to my mother, but I figured it was grown-up business so I lived in a little before I know it it was getting dark. Jason ended up walking me. Home is sitting on the porch talking to each other. We were looking up at the stars he was telling me that he had so much fun today. It was looking forward for tomorrow.

I got cold a little bit I was going to tell him that I should go inside because it's getting late but before I knew it, he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pull me closer to him. He said that he saw that I was cold, and he did it when he did that, it made me realize that I'm falling for him even more

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