Jasons, POV, part two.

My mom was patting my back, asking me if I was OK but I wasn't listening to her because I couldn't believe what I just seen. My next-door neighbor looks so familiar and now I know why she's married to a football player who is very famous after I caught my breath, I told my mother, the next-door neighbor is a celebrity . My mother got excited and asked me what did she do? I ask my sister if I can see her magazine and she said sure I turned to the front cover and showed my mom a picture of the lady.

What there's no way Natasha a famous model is living next-door! She said, shaking her head.

Mom, I swear she is living next door if you don't believe me, go next-door and find out! I said putting the magazine down.

Honey you would not believe what I just saw! My father said coming into the kitchen.

I was getting the newspaper when I saw our neighbor she looked exactly like that model that you like what's her name Natasha I believe! My father said, filling up his coffee cup.

When my father turned around and looked at us, my mom got super excited. She started pacing back-and-forth saying that she had to get an autograph. I guess she was getting too hyper because my father told her to calm down and to  relax explain to her that we don't want to seem like obsessed fans then he looked at me and told me that when I get home from school we were going to talk to her since her husband was a famous football player. I asked him why, and he just looked at me and he shook his head and told me that if I get help from a famous person I will get more recognized by everyone around the world told me to come straight home after school so I said OK as me and Ryan were walking to school I told him what I found out. He shook his head and asked me why they were down here and not in Hollywood or Miami.

Yeah, I was thinking that too because last time I heard Natasha's husband was in California for a football game this weekend! I said shaking my head.

That's crazy. Hey, look who it is! He said appointing across the street.

When I looked, I saw Isabella walking across the street when she looked at us she waved and came up to us. She asked us where we were going. I explained to her that we were going to school Ryan asked her if she was going to go to our school. She said no that she's been homeschooled for a while now I asked her if she was ever going to go to school. She thought about it for a minute and shrugged her shoulders. She explained to us that she would like to go to school to make friends, but her mom claims it's too dangerous for her to be out in public without a bodyguard. She ended up leaving because she said she had to run errands before her mom notices that she's gone after she left me and Ryan continue to walk to school when we went inside we got ready to go to our first class. Ryan said that he'll see me in our science class together and I told him OK.

As I was listening to my teacher talk, I was still thinking about Isabella. I just can't believe I have a famous person and her daughter living next-door to me which means that if people found out they're going to constantly bother them the rest of the day I was still thinking about Isabella I was on my way to get something to eat for lunch when Ryan stopped me. He explained to me that the coach is so worried about us losing the game on Saturday that he wants us to practice I was exhausted because I've been practicing nonstop this whole entire week so as I was sitting on the football field, the coach said we were going to work on our throws.

Me and Ryan ended up practicing our throws together I guess my mind was still on my new neighbors because I didn't see Ryan threw the football back to me. He ended up, hitting me in my face my nose started bleeding. He ran up to me and asked me if I was OK. The coach came up and asked us what was going on Ryan said that I wasn't paying attention and he accidentally threw the ball in my face. He looked at me and told me to get my head in the game. He explained to me that if I was out and about in my own mind and not worried about the game we were going to lose He ended up ending practice early as I was holding my bloody nose with Ryan's old T-shirt. He kept apologizing. I kept assuring him that it was OK after school is over. I say goodbye to Ryan and went inside when I heard laughing I saw Isabellas mom with my mom laughing.

Oh, I thought it was weird that they were laughing and talking to each other considering my mom just met her Isabellas mom said that she absolutely adored my mother, and that they actually have some things in common with each other one of those things but they haven't called me with each other is they both like to bake and I ended up going to my room and did my homework. Usually I would practice my throws with my father but I had a lot of homework to catch up on and if I don't do it, I'm not gonna be able to play football after I was done with some of my homework I stretched around my room. I ended up seeing Isabella dancing in her room, quietly hid behind the curtain and just looked at her. I know I seem creepy but honestly I never had a celebrities daughter living next door to me.

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