Isabellas POV.

When I woke up the next morning I was making sure the house was clean because my mom was supposed to come home but when I was in the middle of eating breakfast, she called and said that she was going to stay one more day which kind of made me upset don't get me wrong. I love having the house to myself it's just too quiet and I can't really focus I'm really surprised she didn't leave a bodyguard with me, but then again, no one really knows who I am the only know who my mom and dad is in the only time that I've been on a magazine cover was when we post for a family photo when my dad was doing that football interview.

I didn't really have anything planned today if I was going to stay home but when someone knocked on my front door and I opened and saw it was Jason. He told me that he wanted to know if I wanted to hang out with him I was surprised because I thought he was going to go to school but he told me that school was out today because of teacher workday so I told him OK. We ended up going to the mall which was nice because I never been to a mall by myself with a boy I just never expected him to ask me why I don't go with my parents whenever they go out of town so as I was looking at clothes, I told him the truth, and how I felt.

I'm tired of going out of town. I'm tired of moving we have been moving for two years now! I said putting a shirt down.

Wow, well if you're tired of moving and tired of going out of town, why don't you just tell your parents! He said looking at me.

Jason, you don't understand my parents are famous if I tell them that I want to stay in town or I wanna quit moving those simply tell me that I don't have an option sometimes I just wish my parents did normal jobs! I said paying for my clothes.

It was nice talking to him. It really was. I've been having this on my mind for about a few years now and I haven't really had time to talk to anybody about it. I explain to him that I wish I was a normal teenager with normal parents. He asked me have I ever consider going to school I never went to school. I was always homeschooled by a teacher my mom hired I told him I never thought about it.

Well, when your mom comes back, you should ask her if she can put you in school. I feel like you can make a lot of friends there don't worry no one is going to obsess over your parents or are you besides you'll have friends because you have me! He said, smiling at me.

That doesn't sound like a bad idea. I'll ask her when she gets back did you want to go back to my house and maybe watch a movie!? I said looking at him.

When I said that, I saw him Siri getting nervous. My guess is he never talk to a girl before so he says it as we walked back to my place. He was really nice he offered to carry my bags and kept telling me that I was absolutely gorgeous It honestly made me feel really good because I've never been talked to like this before. I never talk to a boy before anyways when we got inside I heated up some popcorn while he picked the movie He said he was a movie kind of guy and told me that I would really like a movie that he picked as I sat down with the blanket on top of me and him. I put the popcorn in the middle of the table I watched the movie before I just didn't want to tell him because I saw how he was excited to show me.

So any scary parts I would close my eyes and any funny parts, I would laugh, but I always asked him questions during the movie to make him think I haven't watched it before he didn't mind answering them before I knew it We were watching a second movie we were in the middle of the movie when I started getting cold the blanket I had on top of us was very thin, so it wasn't really helping me out I don't know what came over me but I asked Jason if it was OK if I scoot closer to him he was surprise. I asked that so he said sure so as I was laying underneath his arm getting warmed up we continue to watch the movie after the movie was over we continue to talk.

Before I knew it was getting late I looked at the time and told Jason he should probably go. He smiled and said yeah he asked if I was going to go to the football game tomorrow night I told him sure he explained to me that the football game starts at 8 o'clock but if I want a good seat to get there at 7 o'clock I told him OK and watched him leave. I close the door cleaned up and went into my room. I laid in my bed thinking about what just happened hanging out with Jason was amazing. I ended up calling my mom but she didn't answer. I wanted to ask her if it was OK if I go to the football game so I left a message I went to sleep and the next morning I took a shower I watched a couple of movies until Evelyn came home from school. She was excited when I told her I was going to go to the football game.

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