Jasons POV.

I've been playing football for about two years now. In fact, it's the only thing my parents care about if they're not making me practice my throws or my catches we're sitting around in the living room watching football my father is a real big football fan, especially for a player named Stephen my father, trying to make me be better than him that way I can be famous and be on TV one day my mom wasn't really a football fan until she saw how good I was at it every morning at 6 o'clock my father makes me go running with him around the block. He claims that football players need all the exercise they can get and they don't need to sleep in unfortunately it stopped being every day because my mom saw how tired I was so she simply told my father that it could be every Friday.

I barely have any time to do what I want to do because I'm always doing football. I just want to make my parents proud and football team is the only thing that they care about as I was throwing a football to Ryan you were talking about the game that we have this Friday Ryan was telling me how we were going to squash the other team and I was agreeing with him. We stopped talking when we heard a moving truck back up next door. I put the football down and we looked over the fence The house next-door has been on for sale for about three months now and I was kind of curious when someone was going to buy it I guess I was so busy with football that I didn't notice that someone already bought it.

Yo, check it out! Ryan said point to a woman.

She looks kind of familiar don't you think I said looking at the woman.

No, not really, but she is kind of fine! He said, shrugging his shoulders.

When he said that, I just shook my head I explain to him that she had to be at least 40 years old. He explained to me that she was still fine when he was talking to me I was looking at the woman she really did look familiar. I just don't know where I seen her before before I can say anything I turned and saw that Ryan was leaving the backyard. I asked him where he was going and he told me that he was going to introduce herself. I was trying to explain to him that that was a bad idea, but I guess my mom heard what we were talking about. She looked at me and told me not to be rude and that it's good if we say hi to the neighbors so I said fine so here I am standing in for the woman while Ryan and her talk.

I noticed that there was a black van parked on the other side of the road and honestly it look like people were taking pictures I guess the woman saw it she excused herself from the conversation and went inside. Ryan asked me what that was about and I told him I didn't know all of a sudden the lady came back out with a big strong man. He was wearing a black suit with sunglasses on. He walked up to the black van and knocked on the window. I guess he said something to the people in the van because they sped off the lady apologize and looked at us.

I'm so sorry about that. I just can't go anywhere without paparazzi taking pictures of me and my daughter, speaking of daughter you guys look exactly the same age as her! She said smiling at us.

Yeah it's OK and can we meet your daughter! Ryan said confused.

Sure Isabella, please come out here we have guest! She said yelling towards the house.

When she said that she heard a girls voice as she walked outside me and Ryan just looked at her. She looks like she was about 16 and she was actually really pretty. She kind of looks super smart as well she smiled at me and Ryan and came up towards us. Her mother said that she will be right back and went inside but before she went all the way inside, she looked at her daughter, and told her to be nice the Girl rolled her eyes and looked at us before Ryan can say anything she put her phone up and told us to cut the crap.

You guys don't have to be nice to me just because my mom is gone. Why are you guys here anyways, you guys must've heard about who my father was I swear fans! She said, shaking her head.

What what are you talking about? We just came over here to introduce ourselves. I mean my friend lives right next-door to you guys! Ryan said confused.

She simply looked at me and then she looked at Ryan. She asked me if I talk or am I  just going to sit there and stare at her. Ryan nudged me and I said hi her attitude changed towards me. I don't know why before she can say anything. Her mother called her and asked her to help put everything in its place. She smiled at both of us and said that she'll see us around and went back inside her house as me and Ryan were walking back to my house. I was utterly confused when we walked inside, my mom was sitting on the couch, watching football with my father. He paused the game and asked us how meeting the new neighbors wind before I can say anything Ryan told my parents everything.

Even the part about them having a bodyguard, and how some people were taking pictures of the woman, my mom was excited because she said that if the woman was a celebrity, it would be good because she always wanted to get a celebrities autograph. My father was skeptical, because he didn't believe that celebrities will move to where we are later on that night I was in bed still thinking about our neighbors. That lady looks so familiar and I didn't know why the next morning when I woke up I went downstairs to fix myself some breakfast my younger sister was reading a peoples magazine. She claims that younger kids read people magazine's grow up to be successful. I took a sip of my water and I ended up spitting it out as my mom was asking me if I was OK I was looking at the magazine my sister was looking at on the front cover, was a picture of the woman who lives next door.

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