The door opened and Killian entered the room. "Who was it?"He asked. He already knew, he didn't have to ask to know. "It was was my brother"I sobbed out. It was like the floodgates opened. Seeing him again, talking to him again and then what Emma said. It was all too much. He quickly pulled me close holding me as I cried. He kissed the top of my head. He didn't say a word, he knew there was nothing he could say to make me feel better about this. It wasn't until I smelled fresh blood that I managed to pull myself together. Why do I smell fresh blood? "I know that look, what is it now?"He asked. "I smell blood"I stated wiping away my tears. We exited the cabin and I noticed the smell of blood was coming from Emma. "Oh no..."Enzo muttered. "Just what the hell is going on here?!"I shouted. Now everyone was starring at me, wide eyed and frozen. Well almost everyone, Rumplestiltskin was standing there with a mocking grin on his face. I wanted to smack it off his face, but I decided to activate the mark. Funny thing about a witch's mark is that I can activate it any time I choose, so can Kol. The smile disappeared from his face and he narrowed his eyes at me. "Mom it's alright I was just trying their way, so we can get going"Emma stated. "And what exactly was their way?"I asked tilting my head. "The globe with a little of Emma's blood will tell us where Henry is"Snow stated gesturing to the white globe. "It appears he's in-"But I cut Rumplestiltskin off. "Neverland"I finished. "We already know. Now will you get the hell out of my sight"I snapped. "He's only trying to help. Why are you being so mean?"Belle asked. "Naive little girl, he doesn't care. He's not trying to help anyone except himself"I told her. "Whether you like it or not he's coming with us. Since he can actually help"David said. "Like hell he is, he's Peter Pan's son. Do you really think he's trying to help us?"I asked. "He's what?! How?"Everyone shouted except for Gold and Killian. After Killian saved me that night I eventually came clean about the dream walking which led to a lot of questions on his end and some awkwardness. As for Gold well... he wore a face of pure fear. Since that was something no one could've known, after all the only people alive who could know was Pan and himself. "Mom, how could you know that?"Emma asked. "She dream walked in Pan's head"Killian answered. A smirk appeared on my face, I could see the anger and uncertainty in Gold's eyes. "You seem to pride yourself self on knowing things others don't. It's not so fun when the shoe's on the other foot, is it?"I asked.

In the end it was decided the crocodile would be coming with us. No matter, the witch's mark will burn him alive if he tries anything against Henry or any of us. He tried to give Belle a potion for a barrier spell around the town despite me already putting one up. I took it from her and compelled her to leave the ship. I siphoned whatever magic was inside and tossed the bottle to him. "I believe that's yours"I told him. "Are we going to continue with this idle chit chat or are we going to save my son?"Regina asked. "I can multitask"I told her as I pointed behind me at the dropping sails. Regina narrowed her eyes at me. I sped up to wheel beside Killian. "All is in place, my love"I said and slipped the magic bean to him. He gave me his signature smirk and tossed the bean a good distance into the water. "Hang on!"He barked as spun the wheel going full speed ahead towards the portal. I grabbed hold of the railing as the ship went through the portal. I smirked as I saw a blue glow surrounding the ship. A protection spell that should allow us to slip into Neverland undetected.

Hang on kid.

As the ship broke the ocean's surface water rained down on us. "We made it!"Snow shouted. "Quite it, you'll give us away"I snapped. "I doubt anyone can hear us, we're far from the island"David said. "Pan's shadow might"Killian stated. "Or the mermaids. I'd rather not deal with them again"I chimed in. "Mermaids?"Enzo asked confused. "I thought those were a myth?"He asked. "So are we. Vampire, werewolf, and witches. The world believes that we're all myths because they forgot about us and all the others"I stated. The world forgot a lot of things, thanks to Kol. "What others?"Emma asked. "That's a story for another day"I told her. "We should come up with a plan"Snow suggested. "We already have one"I told her. "Well care to share?"David asked. "Just follow our lead"I said. Then they turned their questions to Emma. "Do you know the plan?"Snow asked causing me to roll my eyes. Does she really think I wouldn't tell my own daughter? "Of course I know. The two of you and Gold are the only ones who don't know"She stated. "Why can't you tell us? We're here to help too"David said. "Besides do you really believe it was a good idea to bring them along?"Snow chided. No doubt that comment was about Enzo and myself. "What is your problem? Can't you see she's a good person!"Emma shouted. "We're only concerned"Snow defended. "Sounds more like jealousy"Enzo spoke up. Snow face turned red from embarrassment. The two opened and closed their mouths like a gaping fish. Then Snow spoke again this time spouting about how they're going to get Henry back because they don't want Emma going through what they went through. What they went through? Up until a few months ago you two didn't even know she was your daughter. "How can you two be so infuriatingly optimistic?! Ever since the two of you remembered who you are your lives- well your lives have sucked!"Emma shouted. Que more hero BS and Emma shouting at them even more. Definitely my daughter. "She fits right in"Killian muttered causing me to stifle a laugh. "We're going to get Henry back"Snow assured. "No you're not"Rumplestiltskin said. My head snapped towards him fully ready to burn him alive when I noticed his strange choice of clothing. "Well isn't that a great use of our time, a wardrobe change"Killian sneered. "I'm going to get Henry back"Gold announced. "We're supposed to be working together"Regina stated. "Why are you doing this?"Emma asked. "Because I want to succeed"He said. "This isn't a game, Henry's life is on the line"I snapped. "Oh I know and I intend to save him"He said and disappeared into a cloud of purple smoke. I looked towards the Charmings with a look of I told you so. "I'll be in the Captain's Quarters, please try to stay quiet while I'm gone"I told everyone as entered the room.

Time for step two.

Astral projection, hopefully Henry still has his necklace. The necklace will make locating him easier. I started the spell, closing my eyes and opening them again. I was no longer on the ship instead I was standing in the middle of a forest. He should be close. I looked around catching sight of a light up a head and began walking towards it. The closer I got I could hear laughter and music. I stayed towards the edge of the forest and looked around the camp for Henry. I spotted him sitting under a tree away from the lost boys. I quickly made my way over to him and allowed myself to be visible to him. "Henry"I whisper yelled. His head shot up looking right at me. "Grandma Ro, you came for me"He said quietly. "Of course I did and everyone else came to, family is always and forever remember"I told him. "I knew you guys would come"He said smiling. I looked towards Pan, so far he seems like he hasn't noticed. "Henry I need you to stay quiet, so he doesn't take notice"I stated and he nodded. "We're currently on the Jolly Rodger and I'm astral projecting to you. It's going to take us awhile to navigate the forest to you, so in the meantime I need you to do something for me"I explained. He gave me a small nod. "Under no circumstances do you take that necklace off and don't believe Pan for a second. He'll try to trick you to get what he wants"I paused unsure if I should tell him what it was that Pan wanted. He needs to know. He deserves to know.  I could feel myself becoming off balance and my hold on the spell wavering. Something must be happening on the ship, I don't know how much longer I can hold the spell. "He wants your heart to make himself immortal. He will try to feed you lies, but you cannot believe them"I finished. "Promise me you won't believe him"I begged. "You're flickering in and out, what did you say?"He asked. I pushed more magic into the spell needing to steady myself. I don't know what is happening on the ship, but it feels like rough waters. "Promise me you won't believe him"I repeated. "I promise"He said. I smiled softly. "I'll see you soon Henry"I told him and released the spell.

Opening my eyes I found myself back on the ship with a raging storm outside. The room was a mess, items had fallen off shelves. The chairs were down and the table had slid to the other side of the room. I was now lying against the back wall. All of this due to the ship being thrown about in this storm. Where did this storm come from?

This has Snow and Charming written all over it...

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