Chapter 31: The Battle of Elibor

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As the gates opened, Maximus broke free and tried pulling John away from the guards. He was pushed down to the ground and kicked in the stomach. His face plowed the grass like a cow eating its dinner. John looked at Max and laughed hideously. Shayne and Tim tried to break free from the elves' hands but seemingly couldn't. Though to Max's surprise, their disarray was not to free John, but to help Maximus. His pain was visceral, cutting through the valves of his shattered heart like a freshly sharpened sword cutting through an enemy. They could see this within his face and wanted to help. Dorris also ran down to the gate, not letting anybody stop him nor allow their grubby elf hands on his freshly polished silver armor.

Sammy, being held down by four Elven guards, tried using her force to get free, but no matter her strength, it was useless. Her hair braided tight on both sides of her head, keeping it from blocking her vision of what was to come.

"I do not wish to tear this human's life from his body. I want him. I need him yet."

Malgorog pointed towards Max, struggling his way from the ground. He wiped his face, his veins throbbing, crawling in his skin as his blood boiled. Every breath he took became painful, and his lip curled with betrayal.

"Let him go. I will go." Max called out desperately, pushing the guards away from John. Amaris would not accept this fate for him, but she wasn't allowed to speak, as Thiandaril gave her a piercing grimace.

Max walked up to the King and lifted his arms to be chained, but there were no chains in the hands of any of the Elven Knights.

"Would you like to see whom I brought...A guest you could say, though she was unwilling. Do not worry though, for I have my ways at being...convincing." Malgorog chuckled, waving his hand towards the back of his company. Max could see at least ten lines of twenty Elves each.

Before Max could answer, shackles clanked, and the steps of somebody came nearer. As the chains became louder, Max knew. A woman appeared through the lines of shimmering gold, her face bruised and purple, her body only covered with a ripped up gown riddled with dirt and blood. Her brown hair unrecognizable, greasy, with streaks of gray from dried mud. Her pale green eyes sparkling that of disappointment.

"Luthien!" Max whispered, looking behind him to see Thiandaril and Amaris looking down at them, their faces filling with shock as their mouths opened wide with disbelief.

"We must do something. We must save her! That is Max's mother." Sammy pleaded, still being held behind the gate, below the platform of where the archers and lord stood.

She was ignored. Max tried walking closer to her, but was pushed back by Malgorog.

"I still need your tears, my little pup. And I doubt the mighty lord, hidden in his ancient beast will do a thing to stop me." He said, raising his voice so the Elven lord could hear.

He motioned his fingers to bring Luthien closer, and then motioned towards John.

"You know what you must do." He whispered to John as he approached.

John kicked the back of Max's knees out, grabbing him by the throat, forcing him to look at Luthien. His mind racing, his thoughts flashing to Johnson hanging on his bedroom wall. He couldnt do this again. Not again. Never. Again.

"Help! Amaris!" The boy called out, helplessly. He felt he was back in his bed, paralyzed, defeated. His vision began to blur, and his heart felt as though it was wearing mail of thorns, stabbing him with every wrenching beat.

John held his throat with a dagger, and grabbed his face.

"Take me and leave my friends be. Leave her be. They have done nothing to you. They have done no plotting against you, and there will be no violence. Leave the politics to your kingdom and the slaves at your leash. But leave them be. I will cry for you. If that is what it takes." Max watched as Malgorogs face plummeted with amusement.

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