Chapter 19: The Avwoken II

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The medicinal building was smaller on the outside than it had appeared on the inside. It looked likely to be the home of Brenian, the healer, as well. It was in the middle of town, near Lickenrein. The building, constructed from red brick, stood out from the neighboring houses built of wood sourced from the nearby forest.

As they traveled with the dwarf, they learned many of things. Concepts such as how the forest surrounded a portion of Serpent Tongue, a river running from the Western Oceans of Skiorre. This created a splitting border between Oryn and a town of trolls, which was more north. The wood of the Serpents Tongue was said to be strong, because of its deep roots being watered by a river full of beastly creatures, and the God of Aqua, Luphious. The myth held such significance to the villagers that they truly believed it. It was the closest thing they could have faith in, and resources were scarce to come by.

The dark river was long and wide, home of creatures of all nature, including things like Swimmers, Killrons, Glubs, Zotryxs, and more. Some dangerous, some harmless, and others never even seen by the eyes of the living, only in books and pictures.

Brenian wasn't shy about introducing himself, but only introduced himself as a healer and nothing more. His pearl eyes and his orange-brown hair fell past his shoulders and weren't a greasy mess, like most of the individuals taking up residency here. It was as if he didn't truly belong, and was paranoid about all those who asked for his aid. His skin was tanned and his body slender. He had nicely trimmed facial hair, which was an odd shade of ginger. He wore a black tunic with a yellow cross embroidered on the top right. Bren had a light brown leather jacket and leather boots with blood spattered on each, but none seemed to have splattered on his shirt or trousers. The healer was a mysterious figure who spoke logically, scientifically, and seemed to be educated on most topics of the world around them.

His home was cozy, everything well lit by candlelight. He had a cot in the middle of his living area, which was where he laid Tim. Around it were vials of different colored fluids and tools for various procedures. Yet as an acclaimed healer, with tools for surgeries and a cot that had seen much death, the cleanliness of everything shocked Max. Even the white rug under the patient's bed was clear of fluids of all sources, mysteriously. The bookshelf in the wall's corner was filled with books, which seemed to be ancient, with titles he had never seen before - and the most obscure runes.

"So, to be clear." Brenian started, leaning over Tim's pale body. "A dragon in the Forest of Lacuna attacked him, you say, then put him into a deep magical coma. This stopped his body from bleeding out and preserved him until you men found a proper healer."

"Yes, her name was Myleanor." Max said, looking the healer in his iridescent eyes.

Bren looked stunned. His lips tightened, jaw quivering as if he were trying to speak, but couldn't.

"Myleanor? And you lived? She let you live? No creature that has laid their unworthy eyes upon her has seen days next, unable to tell the tale." He muttered, with a bit of hesitation lingering in his tone.

The group of friends looked at each other and Max looked back at Brenian, who continued to speak past the friends' gazes.

"Unless you are that of Elibor, of course." He looked Max up and down, shaking his head in doubt at Maximus being the blood of any royalty. "Hmm. Must have gotten lucky, I presume."

"Are you able to help him get out of this magical comatose you state he is in?" John asked.

"Yes lad, he is the best of all the lands." Dorris confirmed, gripping John's shoulder.

"Aha, you give me too much credit, Dorris, but I guess word has yet to come slithering through your mountains. I have some esteemed competition in the north. An Elf, by the name of Sienna." Bren eerily looked at Dorris, his eyes not filled with anger though, but cheerfulness.

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