Chapter 12: Of Blood and Tears

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Max looked at his calender, noticing that it had already been October for a few days now, and that the worst of his episodes happened on October 2nd. It was Friday, October 6, and Maximus was thankful he didn't attend school. He took a much needed break from the confines of that educational prison and spent the day in his bedroom. The soft, comforting texture of his journal in his hands.

Max's belly felt as if he were lying on a bed of nails. He knew he should probably talk to his parents, or at least go get it professionally bandaged at an urgent care or emergency department. Though it was small enough that he figured it would just heal and go away on its own time. But in reality, on Max's own time. All he could seem to do was lay motionless in his bed, scared of what his parents might do if they saw it.

The mysterious objects in the back of his head became increasingly uncomfortable as time went on. The days seeming to blend together in a whirr of noise like a blender full of calenders. They weren't growing as rapidly, but still caused waves of nausea in the pits of Max's stomach, nonetheless.

They would definitely put me away. He thought, intrigued by the mystery of what they'd actually do.

For now, he wrapped it with leftover gauze and held it in place with some of the medical wrap he borrowed from his mom's nursing bag.

I should probably call her. Max thought, unplugging his phone from the charger, unsure of how Victoria would be towards him after missing today. Skipping wasn't the genuine issue though, it was more of missing today and not telling anybody.

"Hey, what's up?" Max inquired, smiling through the awkward silence that, in Max's mind, lasted an eternity. It didn't matter though, because he could tell she had just woken up, and her "after nap" appearance was one of his favorites. His line of sight rarely diverted from her, especially when they were together.

"Hey what's up?" Victoria mocked, "Thanks for telling me you wouldn't be at school today piss brains."

"I'm sorry I missed. Are you okay? It happened again. Well...a few days ago." Maximus sat, scratching his head, trying to get his meshed days in order. "This time it was worse. He killed Ann, although I think she may already be dead? I don't know."

"I'm so sorry. Are you ok? Do you need me to come over?"

"It's okay! Nothing I can't handle. Especially with you in my corner." Right as that word escaped his mouth, he looked over at the corner of his room, cringing.

A smile spread across Victoria's face, and all of her disapproval melted away, replaced by pure happiness.

"I think John wanted to see a movie today. Would you like to come?"

"Depends what it is...If its senseless action overpowering a mediocre story, then.... probably not." She laughed.

"I wouldn't have invited you if it was that dingus. I know you don't like it."

"What is it then?"

"I think it's a horror movie! I'm pretty sure that I showed you the trailer - the one about a creature of the night - a vampire, I think? Anyway, he haunts this child, and marks him, cursing him, his friends, and his family. Should be pretty interesting!"

"I'm in! You know I love my horror!" She exclaimed, hopping out of bed.

"Okay, I'll text John then. Do you want me to come pick you up or do you just wanna meet there?"

"Pick me up how? You don't have a car...I'm pretty sure you don't even have a bike." Her face puzzled, her mouth warping around a hardened laugh.

"Uhm...." Max started, his face blushing, "I mean, that's what they ask in the movies. The theater is right in town, so I can walk to you, and you can hop on my back for a ride. It'll cost you, though." Max said slyly, his lips curving with a smile.

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