Ch41: Teacher Assistant

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AN: It's been some weeks since I have updated any of my fanfics.

I was procrastinating again and being my lazy ass self.

I keep forgetting to log in to FGO daily for the rewards. My God, I think I am slowly losing my motivation to keep playing FGO again.

Anyway, I reinstalled my Enstars and still keep playing Project Sekai and then I downloaded and started playing Reverse 1999 and I got hooked on the game and its story. I like the English VA of the game.

I will keep grinding till I get insight into all of my characters. Nothing will be left behind! So far I have already Max's insights 2 six star characters, 4 5 star, and 3 4 stars.

Anyway other than me, who did start playing Reverse 1999?

On the topic of Twisted Wonderland, I stopped playing the game but I am still keeping up with the stories, spoilers, light novels, and manga.

My little sister keeps gushing with the release of the new Savanaclaw and Octavinelle manga chapter.

I admit... The illustrations are very beautiful and I love that Yuuka has thrown Ace to the ground and poor Yuuta is squished by the leeches.

And regarding the JP game event. I didn't expect the event to go that deep and dark considering that Twist is Disney but as someone who has read the black butler.. It was expected of Yana-sama.

Anyway, after a few days, I uninstalled Enstars again and decided to play Fullmetal Alchemist Mobile.

Arc 3: The start of a troublesome year

Chapter 11: Teacher Assistant

The sun hadn't risen yet, and Yuuya was fast asleep. He was having an uncomfortable dream in the bed that Mr. Andersen had supplied for him.

Mr. Andersen furnished separate rooms with beds, cabinets, and other furniture for all four wayward other-world residents. He sees no reason to be stingy with them and denies them their rooms in this newly restored building by him and the ghosts. Even with the four individuals using the rooms, there were still several empty rooms in this dormitory now turned manor.

Yuuya was tossing and turning in his new bed as he completely dozed off. His body appears restless and begins to sweat. His brows are squeezed together, and his two fists tightly hold the covers that envelop his body. Yuuya was dragged out of the nightmare before he could fully immerse himself in it while sleeping. He experiences acute pain and strange noises outside of his dreams.

"Ahh! "

Yuuya exclaimed, opening his eyes.

"It hurts! What's happening?"

While those queries were leaving the corners of his mouth, his pupils took in the scene in front of him. His expression changed to one of perplexity.

A mother duck and five ducklings sit atop his body. Before he could say anything, he heard a slew of familiar voices.

"You don't have time to just keep staying in that bed. Get up!"

Professor Andersen was the first to speak up.

"Good morning, Yuuya!"

Yuuken is the next one. The one who greeted him cheerfully on the morning. He sounds energetic. Yuuya was envious of his energy in the morning.

' Yuuken-san is a morning person. '

"If you don't want to experience more pain, I suggest you get up from there as soon as possible."

Märchen Meines Lebens (FGO × Twisted Wonderland fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin