Ch36: The very shameful incident

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Arc 3: The Start of Troublesome Year

Ch6: The very shameful incident

Crowley has allowed the dorm heads to return to their dorms and plan their first-year welcome parties after Andersen's sorting.

Even though there was only one issue,

Crowley was notified by a silver-haired Diasomnia 2nd-year student.

" Headmage, Lord Malleus is missing. Our vice dorm leader is looking for him. "

A 158-cm tall individual clothed in ceremonial robes entered the mirror chamber at that same moment. The dorm heads, the Yuus, Crowley, and Andersen all turn to look at the newcomer.

When the 2nd-year student from Diasomnia saw the person, he exclaimed.

" ..Fa-Lord Lilia! "

Lilia grinned as he looked around and recognized the 2nd-year student from Diasomnia.

".. Silver. "

The Yuus and Arktis saw some odd resemblance between Hans and Lilia.

'They both had the appearance of kids and have a deep voice. '

That's what they realized.

Silver inquired, his expression frowning.

" Where is Lord Malleus, Fa-Lord Lilia? "

Lilia sighed, shaking his head in regret.

" ...Unfortunately, I was unable to locate him."

Lilia replies dissatisfied, with his lips pursed and his gaze fixed on the other dormitory heads:

" Malleus wasn't informed that his attendance is required during the entrance ceremony. "

His gaze is then drawn to Andersen.

Both of them made eye contact and remained silent for a few seconds before breaking one other's gazes and Lilia smiled.

" It's a pleasant surprise to see another fae folk! I'm Lilia Vanrouge, Diasomnia's vice dorm head. Are you sorted in the Diasomnia? "

Lilia asked Andersen, oblivious to Silver's shocked grimace beside him, Azul and Leona's malicious laughter, or Idia typing a laughing emoji at the tablet.

Ace was covering his mouth, keeping himself from falling to the ground, and laughing endlessly in the background. Most of the first-year pupils were astounded as Silver was.

There was also Sebek's yell, "Lord Lilia!" Lilia, however, did not hear it.

Andersen gave a quick smile before answering the question.

" I'm sorted in Ignihyde. "

Lilia was taken aback when he heard Andersen's deep voice.

' .. How eerie. '

The fae in front of him is an adult, just like him. He understands that there was no age limit on who may attend Night Raven College as long as they possessed magic potential. The minimum requirement is at least 16.

But it was a surprise that the fae in front of him wasn't sorted in the Diasomnia.

The crimson eyes looked at the blue. Lilia commented.

" Oh, how surprising and strange. Diasomnia was the usual way to go for fae folks like us. Still, I want to congratulate you on your admission to Night Raven College as a student. "

A lot of students burst out laughing after hearing Lilia's congrats. Ace was one of them. Cater, a third-year student from Heartslabyul, captured the entire event on video using his cellphone.

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