Ch21: Magic Mirror

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Arc 2: Night Raven College

Ch7: Magic Mirror

Crowley was there in the mirror chamber, waiting for him.

"It's a nice day today, Mr. Andersen; how was your new accommodation? Isn't it nice?"

Andersen could feel his displeasure increasing as he heard the question. He hadn't seen the headmaster since bringing the cleaning materials to him a few days ago.

In the last few days, the headmaster never checked on him or sent someone to check on him. There was no one there to see if he needed more cleaning products.

If he were a normal person with no mage craft in his arsenal, he would struggle to clean the dorm and would already starve to death if no one sent him food. It was thanks to his inhumanity and heroic spirit that he didn't die of starvation.

Andersen has a clear thought that Crowley would continue to disappoint, as he had done since Andersen's interview with him. Nothing should be expected from this gothic crow clown.

Andersen said, looking at the cheerful and smiling headmaster of Night Raven College.

"I'm not interested in pleasantries; do you have the mirror?"

"I have the two magic mirrors with me. Mr. Andersen, should we go back to the rundown dorm first and place one of the magic mirrors there? It would be inconvenient if we brought two magic mirrors with us once we get to the shaft lands."

" Do it. "

Crowley quickly followed Andersen to the run-down dorm. Crowley was astonished to not find any dust, grime, and randomly scattered objects throughout the room upon entering. Andersen has worked tirelessly to clean the entire dorm. The door remained unattractive, with damaged paintwork, holes in the walls and roofing, and chipped wooden floorboards. But in just a few days, Andersen had cleaned the entire Ramshackle dorm of dust.

Crowley was pleased by Andersen's perseverance. Crowley inquired of the self-proclaimed third-rate caster servant after surveying the dorm.

"Where would I put the mirror, Mr. Andersen? In the lounge?"

When Andersen heard the suggestion, he mockingly scoffed at Crowley.

"I don't want people just walking in, and the first thing they'll notice is the eye-catching magic mirror attached to one of the walls."

"I don't think there's any need for that, Mr. Andersen; this dorm was abandoned, and no students would come here and trespass."

Andersen, unimpressed, retorted.

"How can you be sure, headmaster, that no student visits this place? Do you spend your nights here?"


"It was my choice to put the magical mirror in my bedroom."

The headmaster sighed, seeing Andersen as adamant and unyielding in his choice, with no intention of backing down.

Crowley discovered the first time he met Andersen that his new lecturer tends to be harsh and crude in his remarks. Like the students at Night Raven College, Crowley felt that his new professor would cause some problems in his life in the following days of his academy's new term.

Is hiring Mr. Andersen a wise decision?

There is no doubt that Andersen is a skilled and talented mage. However, his attitude would most likely produce difficulties in the future. Despite the reservations he had, he hired Andersen after witnessing how he interacted with his wards.

Despite his animosity at Crowley, he noted that Andersen was a little gentler with the kids back at Ledusberg. Crowley hoped that when he interacted with the students at Night Raven College, his caustic tongue would be toned down. The same way Andersen treats his wards. And once in a while, a little rough love isn't so bad. Andersen's attitude should be moderate and under control, hopefully.

Crowley would be devastated if he dismissed his new lecturer. After all, where would you find a great mage that doesn't need to be paid or expect to be fed?

Andersen simply required a place to stay that was peaceful and quiet, as well as magical mirrors. Even if Andersen appears dissatisfied with his surroundings, the new professor has taken action and has been meticulously cleaning his new home.

Crowley inquired of the new lecturer as they walked through the first-floor corridors.

"Where is your bedroom, Mr. Andersen?"

Andersen indicated one of the first-floor rooms.

" Why did you not put your bedroom on the second floor?"

"I much prefer being on the first floor; must you question every decision I make, headmaster? I am no child, despite my appearance and I do not need coddling. "

"I am aware of that, Mr. Andersen. I am merely concerned"

" As if.. "

Entering Andersen's bedroom, Crowley placed the mirror on the wall and glanced back at Andersen, reminding him

"I hope that you wouldn't abuse the privilege that I have given to you, Mr. Andersen."

Staring at the headmaster, Andersen scoffed, replying:

"You don't need to fret. I wouldn't use the magic mirror for nefarious purposes. Once we have gone to the location where I would place the mirror, you will see why it is important to have it there. "

"I know you have a good reason for wanting a magic mirror, and I don't think you needed it to visit your wards at Ledusberg. Should we go to the mirror chamber and head to the shaft lands now, Mr. Andersen?"

Nodding, Andersen followed the headmaster out of the ramshackle dorm and towards the mirror chamber. They haven't encountered any students on their way to the mirror chamber, which Crowley and Andersen appreciate because they don't need someone bothering them with their current agenda.

Andersen inquired once they had entered the magical mirror chamber.

"How exactly do the mirrors work?"

"The magical mirrors are gateways or portals."

Andersen was reminded of the rayshift of Chaldea while they were looking in the mirrors. It was also capable of moving them wherever. But that wasn't the only thing the Rayshift could do. It might send them to any time, singularity, or lost belt.

When compared to Rayshift capsules, magic mirrors are just inferior conveyance methods.

Crowley says as he walks the mirror:

"Follow me, Mr. Andersen."

Before passing through the mirror and disappearing. Andersen imitates Crowley's motion, causing him to vanish in the mirror as well.

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