Ch14: Peace at last

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Arc 1: The Long Winter

Ch14: Peace at last

She could see no trace of snow falling in the clear sky. Lily breathed a sigh of relief.

"The curse has finally been lifted."

At long last, after the long winter that lasted for 8 years, it has finally ended.

When October arrived, it would be winter once more. But thankfully, it wouldn’t last a year but six months. From October to March.

Many folks in Ledusberg are currently spending their time outdoors at their residences, cleaning off the snow. They were determined and full of enthusiasm. Unlike the days when they were cooped up inside their houses, where they spent their days with lethargy and no purpose.

She attributed this to Katerina and Ashray, as well as the harsh Mr. Hans.

Lily still can't believe it. The reason their community was burdened with the winter curse in the first place was that the former mayor took an important relic that belonged to a fallen nation.

If the mayor hadn’t grabbed the item, there would never have been a winter curse, to begin with. But it's best not to think about those things right now. It's pointless to dwell on the past. She should focus on thinking of the present and the future of Ledusberg.

Their town of Ledusberg was bustling one week after the curse was lifted. Cleaning up the snow and dealing with various problems from the outside of their town.

Various outsiders have been bothering Lily a lot during the last few days. News reporters from various entertainment firms, as well as pesky visitors, take a selfie in Magicam and upload it on social media to obtain views.

'Heartless bastards.'

It's a good thing Mister Hans has asked her not to mention anything about the permafrost kingdom. It would undoubtedly raise eyebrows if the curse was the consequence of the mayor stealing a relic from a fallen kingdom. And the spirit of a fallen kingdom's ruler cursing the artifact.

The past mayor's obstinacy was responsible for the eight-year curse. The situation with Ledusberg would have been solved if he had returned it sooner.

'What an idiot.'

Any respect Lily had for the town's prior leader vanished the moment she uncovered the source of the town's winter curse.

She was thinking those thoughts while helping to clear snow from the streets of Ledusberg when she was summoned by one of the residents.

"Miss Lily!"

A man in his early thirties approached her. Lily came to a halt while raking the snow off the ground and looked at the person who approached her.

"Hagel... Is there something wrong?"

"Miss Lily, the town of Ledusberg has a special guest today. They're on the lookout for you. "

Lily was irritated when she heard the phrase "special guest."


She was sick of the media coming to their community and interrogating her about why the curse on their town had vanished. She wouldn’t reveal anything to them. They had no right to know the truth, but only the residents of Ledusberg did, under the condition that they not reveal anything to anyone outside.

Hagel smirked slyly at the furious Lily. He understands Lily's annoyance because she has been harassed by bloodthirsty media for the previous three days.

" This time, it was different. The guest is really special."

" What? The Queen of Roses? Queen of Sunset Savanna, Headmage of Royal Sword Academy? "

"No. Royalties weren’t interested in our desolate and rural little town. But you are closer to the latter, Miss Lily."

Lily looked at Hagel, stunned, as she processed those words.



It was busier than usual at Ashray's house. Since Prince Arktis began residing at Ashray's house, things have become more lively. Prince Arktis and Mister Hans have been causing some issues in the household over the last week.

Ashray sighed as he observed another exchange of banter between his two houseguests. What was he thinking about inviting Prince Arktis to stay with them?

'You have been told a pitiful and sad story, and you folded like wet paper.'

The accusations in his head sounded like Mr. Hans'.

He should consider the condition of Prince Arktis carefully throughout the following week.

He and Katerina also informed Prince Arktis that the Permafrost Kingdom existed 1000 years ago. Prince Arktis had stopped counting his time with his body being sealed at 100 years since he have grown tired of it.

Prince Arktis, who lived 1000 years ago, was unaware of current technology and customs. He almost blew up their microwave the other day. It was because of Mr. Hans that a calamity was averted. When it comes to television, Prince Arktis once happened to catch a swimsuit contest. He can't stand seeing women in bikinis, and it's fascinating to learn that spirits can faint or lose consciousness.

‘.. Spirit... ‘

Ashray reminded himself. Never a ghost. Ashray wouldn't call Prince Arktis a ghost since, technically, despite the sealing that Arktis's aunt placed on his body, the prince's body was imprisoned in being an immortal 12-year-old. But despite that, the sealing didn’t kill the prince but imprisoned him inside the ice and also kept the body inside it alive. 

Arktis, if he is a ghost, should have the appearance of a 12-year-old. No, he appears to be a 16-year-old young man. Prince Arktis himself told them that his spirit aged as time passed.

"It was the Ice Queen's most powerful ice spell. An ice spell capable of stopping the time of the object encased inside it. "

The Ice Queen astounded Ashray even more when he heard it from Prince Arktis. He had never imagined her to be so powerful.

But, like the Great Seven, her name isn't even recalled, and she's only known as a folktale in the northern region of Shaftlands.

"The permafrost kingdom reigned for a very short period."

As a result, she was less well-known than other notable historical personalities around the world. There were no descendants to carry on her heritage and make it known to others. It's a miracle that the story of the Ice Queen has survived to this day.

While he was immersed in his thoughts, Ashray heard a knock on the door. Prince Arktis was bothering Mister Hans as he was composing his new narrative.

'Oh, he seems so upset and annoyed. I believe I must open the door. Katerina has returned.

Even without the winter curse, Katerina was spending more time outside. Instead of making deliveries, she was working to clear the snow off the streets and roads.

Ashray opened the door and looked behind it.

When Ashray saw Miss Lily, he wasn't surprised, but when he saw the person alongside her, he felt like he was about to have a heart attack.

"D-Dire Crowley?!?"

"I believe; I was told that Mister Hans Christian Andersen lives here; I presume you are Mr. Ashray Whitley?"

Never in his life did Ashray expect to see the headmaster of Night Raven College standing outside his door.

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