Ch6: Mage and Cooking

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Arc 1: The Long Winter

Ch6: Mage and Cooking

Ashray's tolerance and temper have been put to the test for a week since Katerina discovered the dwarf, Hans.

Mr. Christian Hans Andersen is demanding, ungrateful, and possesses an unrivaled caustic tongue.

Ashray questioned why Mr. Hans wasn't still on his way out to the town of Ledusberg. Other than the unending season of winter, there was nothing appealing or unusual about this place.

Everyone in Ledusberg, including him, is tired of seeing nothing but white and snow. But, over the years, the mages who came couldn't help with the situation in their town.

Could Mr. Hans be one of those mages who wanted to try out and solve their town's problems?

Mr. Hans has been a mage since the first day, when he summoned the black feather quill and pointed it at him, threatening him. He also got a good look at the black feather quill pen that was aimed at him at the time. He noticed the blue jewel in the center. If he wasn't mistaken, the jewel is a mage stone.

Mage stones are magical tools. With the exception of him, Katerina, and his grandmother, who died when Katerina was just 12 and he was 13 years old, no one in their community could perform magic.

When it comes to magic, he has only recently mastered his unique magic/signature spell, "Math and Logic are Beautiful," which allows him to temporarily boost his intelligence and solve any difficulty or impediment.

It was distinct from Katerina's one-of-a-kind magic known as "Gerda's tears," which allows Katerina to heal anything with her tears. Katerina dislikes utilizing her power since it requires her to cry. For a girl who is usually cheerful and smiling, her ability was the opposite of her entire essence.

Even so, she would utilize her special magic only when it was absolutely necessary to aid people. Mr. Hans, who has already healed since Katerina discovered him, does not require any healing from Katerina. Katerina was amazed that Mr. Hans appeared so good and okay after her travel from Sefa town the first time she saw him.

She was positive that the blood on Mr. Han's garments had been spilled by him. She suspected that Mr. Hans' healing was due to his magic. Katerina, like him, is aware that Mr. Hans is a mage.

Mr. Hans has been living with them for a week now. Katerina and Ashray also informed their neighbors and the inhabitants of Ledusberg that they had guests staying with them.

The mayor of their town had requested a meeting with Mr. Hans, which happened to be today. Katerina was out of Ashray's house once more, delivering supplies from Sefa town to their neighbors.

Because of his restlessness, Ashray is currently seated on one of the sofas in the living room, tinkering with a puzzle box. Hans frowned at the apprehensive teen after watching Ashray finish multiple puzzle boxes and jigsaw puzzles.

"Would you stop fidgeting? Your friend Katerina is more manly and brave than you, with the way you act like a foolish maiden waiting for her prince charming. No, you are more like a wriggling worm."

Ashray was sipping his coffee and eating a spoonful of warm porridge when he heard Mister Hans discontent.

"This is repugnant."

Hans was staring at Ashray. Mr. Hans had a frown on his face every time he ate food provided by them for the past few days. As if there was something wrong with the food he'd prepared.

Ashray was enraged because he now knew why. His grandmother and Katerina were continuously thinking about and praising him for his great cooking. Cooking delicious cuisine that everyone enjoyed was one of the few things Ashray felt pleased with and held with pride.

Mr. Hans, how dare you trash his food and his abilities? The issue wasn't with the cuisine, but with Mr. Hans himself.

"Mister Hans, if you think the food I cook is disgusting, you could simply refuse to eat it if it disgusts you so much."

Hans responded, looking at him.

"If you're offended, improve your culinary skills; your porridge and coffee are basically tasteless and trash to my tongue."

Ashray's fuse was being tested, and he was smiling. One more insult, and he'd vow he'd punch Mister Hans' smug expression in the face. It makes no difference if he resembles a small child. (Even Mister Hans doesn't look smug at all.)

Little jerks like him deserve to be educated.

In response to Mister Hans' remark, Ashray responds

"So, Mister Hans, what have you been eating all this time to be so spoiled? The most delicious food in the world?"

Hans doesn't seem to mind Ashray's sarcasm or the youngster's question.

That's all there is to it.

Andersen's palate has been conditioned to consume dishes from Chaldea.

Other servants who cooked food were: Counter Guardian Emiya Archer, Parvati, Martha, Beni-Enma, Tamamo-cat, Kiyohime, and Boudica.

All of those servants' cooking abilities have surpassed those of ordinary humans, and they have been constantly honing their skills during their journey.

In comparison to the heaven-like meals produced in Chaldea on a daily basis, the food provided by Ashray for the preceding several days was subpar.

In comparison to the heaven-like food created in Chaldea on a daily basis, the meal provided by Ashray for the past several days was not even comparable to the food served by the servants. On the other hand, the food provided by his two masters is unworthy of remark. Apart from knowing how to make very good Valentine's chocolate, their other food tasted like hell.

It was strongly urged that neither the remaining human staffs in Chaldea nor the summoned servants ingest it.

His two masters focused all of their expertise on manufacturing chocolate, leaving none for other foods and achieving terrible results.

Andersen answered, staring at the porridge.

"It's possible that what I've been eating is the most delicious food in the world."

" I see.. "

Ashray scowled when he heard Mr. Hans' remark. Looking at Mr. Hans, it appears like he said what he meant.

After a while, there was a knock on the door, and the town leader of Ledusberg finally arrived.

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