Ch34: Everyone, Meet Andersen

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AN: With Andersen's poisonous tongue, do you think everyone from Night Raven College would survive them?

LOL. What NRC needs is a therapist not an overblot generator like Andersen.

Arc 3: The Start of the Troublesome Year

Ch4: Everyone, Meet Andersen

    Crowley proclaimed while everyone was in disarray and several of the second and third-year students had already taken out their magical pens to give Andersen the lashing he deserved.

" Silence!"

His voice rang out throughout the chamber, his tone particularly harsh and aggressive.

The students who took out their magical pen quickly put it down or inserted it inside their entrance ceremony robes, fearful of incurring the wrath of the headmaster.

Crowley shifts his eyes from the students to Andersen, his tone particularly agitated.

"... Mr. Andersen."

The students were anticipating the headmaster's strong verbal criticism directed at the mysterious dwarf. It was an unusual occurrence for the headmaster to be angered. They were looking forward to Andersen being attacked by the headmaster's verbal lashing because they would not be the subject of his fury and Andersen gave them the worst first impression.

" I don't appreciate your bluntness. Please, tone it down, Mr. Andersen. "

Unfortunately, they were let down. The fury of the headmaster, which all the students of Night Raven College were anticipating, vanished as fast as it appeared.

The headmaster would always be the same as they had become accustomed to. This was the consensus among Night Raven College's second and third-year students. The headmaster left a bad impact on them during their first year.

Andersen, staring at the headmaster with his blue eyes, voiced what most of the Night Raven College was thinking right now, simply and without concern for the headmaster and student's sentiments.

" You're a pushover. Don't you see the students' stares? You let them down. They wanted my social death and for me to suffer. They were prepared to munch popcorn and lament the pain I would endure. "Ah, what a letdown. The headmaster is a no-good pushover," they have in their minds right now. "

When they heard Andersen's statement, numerous students froze or averted their gazes right; some were terrified that Andersen could read their minds, while others sought to argue against him.

Crowley realizes Andersen is telling the truth after observing the student's reactions. Andersen shrugged beneath the inquisitive stare of the black mask.

" It's a natural skill of mine. Human Observation–A culmination of my life-long observation of humanity's terrible character. But, despite the name, human observation was not limited to humans, but to people."

Andersen shifted his focus to the students surrounding him and altered the subject.

" Moving on, the students are curious to find out what an unwelcome sight like myself was doing in this instance ignoring the fact that I was not a student clad in the student's ceremonial robes. Do you mind properly introducing me to everyone, Mr. Headmaster? "

Crowley blinked at Andersen's prompting.

" Yes! I would introduce you to everyone.."

Andersen averted his gaze from the headmaster. He suspects Dire Crowley has forgotten Andersen came here because Crowley required his presence.

"Ahem! Meet Mr. Hans Christian Andersen, the newest faculty of Night Raven College! "

When Night Raven College students learned of Andersen's identity, they reacted with a variety of exclamations and murmurs. Other than the pupils, the four displaced youths who had been incorrectly selected by the Dark Mirror were taken aback when they learned Andersen's real name.

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