The Halloween Part 1

Start from the beginning


It was lunch break when Dara placed a lunchbox on the picnic table, glancing at Jiyong sitting beside her, his attention fixed on the school grounds instead.

"Do you mind?" she asked, though she knew the answer, earning a glare from him. She laughed as she dug into his food. "Tonkatsu today, yummy," she commented while continuing to eat. "It's not that I want you to eat the food, but your mom—I mean, Mrs. Kwon," she corrected when his glares deepened, "really makes delicious lunches." She continued, playing with her chopsticks to set aside the cabbages on her food, not fond of them.

His frown deepened. "Save the culinary details to yourself. I'm not interested."

She shrugged, drinking her Fanta juice. "What I'm trying to say is, thanks for the food," she said, showing him a smile.

He was quiet for a moment before he shook his head at her, leaning on the table, and watching some students play soccer on the field. "I don't understand why you're still working for that witch," he said after a while, obviously unhappy about the topic.

She wiped her mouth with the sleeve of her cardigan as she nodded. "You're right. I don't get it too." She looked at him, a playful thought crossing her mind. "Maybe because I like hanging out with the Kwons."

She grinned when she got a reaction from him, raising a brow. She jabbed her thumb at the lunchbox. "Mrs. Kwon gives me breakfast, you give me your lunch...and sometimes treat me to dinner. You guys feed me. Such philanthropists," she said dramatically.

He scoffed at her act. "You make it sound like you are a parasite."

She laughed at the word. "Maybe I am. Why do you think I hang out with you?" She was challenging him to answer, but he just poked her head.

"Ouch!" she whined as she nursed her forehead. "Don't get too comfortable with me, Kwon. I'm not done using you," she stated playfully.

He rolled his eyes. "Whatever. For all I know, the witch asked you to spy on me," he said.

She thought he made sense there. She smiled as she looked at the other students on the school grounds, seemingly getting ready for afternoon classes. But she barely noticed what they were doing as her thoughts wandered away. After a while, she whispered, "So what? A woman's got to do what a woman's got to do."

He watched how her expression changed, from being playful to being distant in one second. This woman amazed him. "John Wayne's lines in the 1939 Stagecoach play. You changed the lines," he pointed out.

She nodded, smiling a little. "Yup, I can change whatever I want. You are living in my world, after all."

If that was one of her stage play lines, he didn't comment on it as the school bell rang, signaling the end of lunch break.

She stood up on her heels, stretching her arms in front of him. She didn't mind him staring at her bare belly when her shirt slightly hitched up.

"It's a nice weather today, don't you think so? Too bad October is coming to an end," she said, seemingly remembering something. She grabbed something from her bag and showed him the card.

He raised a brow. "What's that?"

She placed the card on the table. "It's an invitation card for your mom's Charity Event slash Halloween Party this Saturday at 7 p.m.," she said, ignoring his annoyed expression. "She wants me to give it to you."

"Burn it," he ordered.

She shook her head. "Nope. I can't." She glanced at her watch. "I'm late for my next class."

He ignored her, turning his back. "That witch will never leave me alone." He crumpled the invitation card in front of him.

Seeing this, she sighed and slowly sat down beside him, ignoring the fact that she was now late.

"You don't have to go. I'll tell her that you are busy or something," she suggested.

"Or tell her that I'm dead, buried somewhere, and won't be resurrected in time for trick-or-treat," he mused.

She winced at the idea. "That's too morbid." The image of the woman in the magazine holding a severed head on a platter flashed in her mind. She wondered if Madame Kwon would really dress like that. Part of her told her it wouldn't be surprising.

He studied her face. "What? Don't tell me you're going to that monkey show?" The thought seemed to annoy him even more. "Are you gonna wear one of those awful costumes too?"

She almost rolled her eyes. "Of course, I will!" She bumped his shoulder as she stood up. "In my servant uniform, nevertheless, young master. Serving rich people their food and drinks, how exciting," she stated sarcastically, waving at him as she headed toward her next class.

He followed her with his eyes, an unreadable expression on his face. He then stood up, throwing the invitation card into the bin. What a waste of paper, he thought.


a/n: Might be a good/bad trick-or-treat next chapter ;) Don't forget to comment & vote.

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