68. Trouble Has Its Way Of Finding Us

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"Shit, man.."


"What is she going to do then? Until the moon?" Calvin asks.

"I don't know. She was with me the last three days, and I dropped her off at her home earlier. She  might try to put things in place at the organization, but it seems like what she'd do." Dean replies. 

Calvin hums in response, the two settling into a silence. "Wait," Calvin says, his head turning to Dean. "She stayed at your place all this time."

"Yeah, she called, I picked her up, and she stayed with me since. She needed me." Dean elaborates with a glance to his friend.


"What?" Dean asks at his friend's hum.

"Nothing," Calvin says, shaking his head, "Just thinking."


Calvin shakes his head in response, giving him a look that almost resembled pity to Dean, but he changes the topic before Dean could address or dissect it. "So, let me catch you up on the task force," He starts. "Which... Now that I think about it, it is connected to what you just told me. It's honestly crazy how linked everything is."

"What is it?"

"So,  you remember Quinn sent Kaylah and I to your friend's organization, under cover," Calvin start, "Well, Kaylah spent one day getting me up to speed on what she thought I needed to know and how she wanted me to act. Basically, she wanted me to be clueless but not too clueless... which is practically how I am already if we're being honest. Anyway! So we head to the organization, Kaylah taking the lead, doing all the talking, only to be turned away."

"They turned you guys away?" Dean repeats in shock.

"Sort of. See, apparently, it's getting messy over there. The receptionist told Kaylah this in confidence since they knew each other. It seems no one there can get in touch with Elmann. They haven't seen him or heard from him. Your friend, Arrow... had been taking ove,  but she's had major M.I.A spells as well,  and they can't get into contact with her either. There's a lot of rumors circling, some saying Elmann has gone crazy, and Arrow is keeping him locked up somewhere. Another rumor is the opposite, where they think Elmann has Arrow locked up somewhere so he could have her run the organization the way he wants it to be run since he didn't like her changes. Some people think they're both dead!" Calvin goes on. "Many of the hunters there are bad mouthing her, saying she came in, forced her changes, and then is hardly in. That she can't handle running the place. They're unhappy, the hunters there."

"So they're not taking any new members. Did you guys find out who put that rule in place? Who's been in charge?" Dean asks.

"Don't know. I think everyone is just doing their own thing or leaving." Calvin replies. " Kaylah's friend did say she might be able to pull some strings and get her back since she used to be one of them, but there's a tough chance she could let me in with her. Kaylah and Quinn have been whispering about the Kennedys a lot. Saying they're going to try again to acquire and merge the organizations. Quinn thinks that with everything going on, now is their best chance. And, I'm guessing they don't even know what you just told me..."

"No, we're the only ones that know. I can't imagine it'll be long till others find out, though." Dean sighs. "Anything else?" He asks as they near the precinct. 

"Oh, yeah! Captain isn't too happy with Quinn and her task force, especially when she went yapping about you not coming with her when she randomly showed up at your house. She's not really producing any kind of results, and well, the things she took us to... we can't exactly put that in a police report to create a file."

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