Part 16

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Jungkook didn't remember going to the airport, or when the flight started or ended. All he recalled was dragging the doctor with him, not even considering if the other man had prior appointments or not.

All he could think of at that moment was the face of the person he might not have a chance to see again.

Upon landing, Jungkook brought the doctor straight to the hospital with him.

When he reached the surgery room, he saw his mom crying, with Tae and Hoseok by her side, offering comfort to her and themselves as well.

He ran straight to them.

"Mom, Tae, tell me, did they finish?" Jungkook asked urgently.

"The baby is already in the nursery. Jin said the doctors inside were just trying to stitch Jimin's wound now," Tae replied. Jungkook felt a surge of relief knowing that his son was at least okay.

Jimin was still fighting, not for his life, but just for a few more minutes.

That day, Jin went to the cafeteria to grab something to eat. When he returned, he found Jimin struggling desperately to breathe, clutching his heart tightly. He was perilously close to losing not only the smaller man but also the unborn baby.

During this short time, Jin considered Jimin as his own son. At that moment, he felt the agony of a mother losing her child, even though their connection had been brief. It felt as if they had known each other for eternity.

The doctors acted as fast as they could; Jimin was already in his last moments. His heart was about to stop, so they had no choice but to perform the C-section. It was risky without a doctor ready to perform a head surgery to remove the tumor afterward. Still, they aimed to save the baby, as Jimin had wished.

"Where is Jin now?" asked Jungkook anxiously.

"He went back inside," replied Tae.

Jungkook ran his hand through his hair, trying to figure out how to contact Jin and inform him that he had brought the doctor. Just as he was thinking about it, Jin exited the surgery room.

"Hyung, here is the doctor," Jungkook said, gesturing towards the doctor who was now sitting in a chair nearby.

"Good job. Now, I will talk to him. We will start the surgery right now, but you need to sign some documents first," Jin said briskly, leading the way to the operation room with the doctor in tow.

Jungkook was left nervous, staring at the door through which the two men had disappeared. Tae left his place to go to Jungkook, understanding the anguish he felt.

He could relate; what if something similar happened to his boyfriend? He doubted he could live without him.

Tae tapped the older man's shoulder. "Don't you want to meet your baby? He was so cute and innocent, he looked exactly like Jimin."

"I can't leave here. What if something happens and I'm not near him again?" Jungkook hesitated.

So, Jungkook decided it was for the best to visit his baby. The nurse guided him to the neonatal intensive unit. There he saw him, their baby, a perfect replica of Jimin - same hair, same eyes, same lips. He hadn't inherited anything from himself, but Jungkook wasn't complaining. He felt an overwhelming rush of love and protectiveness as he looked at his son, a piece of Jimin that he will hold so dear to his heart forever.

He fell in love again with his baby, he felt like he wanted to protect it from every possible harm, even from the cold wind. Without noticing, tears welled up in his eyes. He wished Jimin could be there with them, but sadly, he couldn't.

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