part 4

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The sky was overcast, with people opening their umbrellas across the road, while others hurriedly sought shelter to avoid getting wet.

Just like Jimin, he found himself running late for his morning class. It had been two weeks since he was hospitalized, and now he was feeling much better.

Upon returning to college last week, he had the chance to meet Jungkook and his girlfriend, Lisa, who was undeniably beautiful.

Now, Jimin had to deal with them being lovey-dovey in front of him during every lunch break. There was even a time when he had to endure hearing Jungkook talk about his sexual life when Jhope asked.

What a life.

By now, he had grown used to all of it.

He had become used to seeing Jungkook with someone else.

She deserved him, after all. She was pretty, kind, smart, and popular while he was nothing but an ugly fat peace of nothing.

He acknowledged his defeat, no longer having the energy to fight his feelings. Now, he needed to be there for his best friend.

Today was Jungkook's birthday, so the three friends organized a small party at Jimin's apartment. It wasn't anything fancy, but it felt warm and cozy just like old times. They hadn't gathered like this in a long time.

They stocked up on plenty of whisky and beer, with the intention of getting completely drunk, especially Jimin, who wanted to lose himself in the moment.

Jimin's family wasn't as affluent as Jungkook's; in fact, he came from a modest background, where having three meals a day and a warm bed was considered a blessing.

Yet, sometimes, he found himself wondering how they had become friends.

Two different people chose to protect each other's backs.

After they finished decorating, Tae asked Jimin to give the birthday boy a call since he was already half an hour late.

It wasn't anything new, after all.

"Hey, dumbass, when are you coming?" Jimin asked through the phone after Jungkook finally picked up.

"Yeah, show some respect, I'm older. Anyway, I am coming, don't worry. Lisa prepared a romantic dinner for me, and I just can't leave her now, but after we finish, I'll come. I'm sorry," replied Jungkook, leaving Jimin in a daze.

Once again, they were being ditched for the sake of his girlfriend.

It wasn't wrong; after all, anyone would want to spend their birthday with the person they love. But Jimin still couldn't shake off the jealousy he felt whenever something like that happened.

With a dry "okay," Jimin hung up, not in the mood to say anything.

He knew it, Jungkook wouldn't come, would never show up. After four hours of waiting, Jimin grabbed the first beer and downed it in one go. Anger and frustration were clearly written on his face.

"Jimin, take it slow, you're going to hurt yourself," Tae cautioned. Although he was also angry, he kept his emotions in check. After all, who wouldn't be frustrated? They had put so much effort into celebrating their friend, and he didn't even bother to come. What a waste.

"Just let me be, please. He won't come. Let's just enjoy the night without him," Jimin said as he poured three shots of whiskey.

He wanted to get wasted.

He wanted to forget.

He wanted to feel light and happy.

"Jimin, this is enough. It's your third bottle; you'll regret it tomorrow," Tae said as he tried to take the bottle away. He had refrained from drinking too much because he knew his boyfriend was a light drinker, and one of them needed to be sober to get them home safely.

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