Part 6

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The next day dawned with a cloudy and overcast sky. The sun was nowhere to be seen, leaving only a cold, pale light to illuminate the early morning.

Jimin woke up alone in his own cold bed, all sore and tired. He figured that this is how it was going to be. after all, there was no emotional feeling involved in their actions. well, perhaps there was, but it was a one-sided thing.

There was nothing left from last night but the cold bed he was laying in, and a creeping headache that reminded him of the physical toll his actions had taken on his body. Now he needs to pay for it.

Jungkook was lost and overwhelmed. The last thing he remembered was getting drunk and going to his best friend's house, never did he ever imagined waking up in bed naked with his best friend. he knew it was wrong to do this, he knew that this was unfair for the innocent human, he had used Jimin, and the guilt was eating him up.

How was he supposed to face him again?

How could he look into his eyes after what he have done?

When he woke up, he was so overwhelmed that the first thing that had crossed his mind was to run away. Run away from reality and run away from the person he holds dear into his heart.

Jimin had thought that it would be a one-time thing, but Jungkook kept coming to him drunk and crying, and he didn't have the heart to stop him. However, just like the first time, the next morning, there wouldn't be anyone next to him.

And today, for the first time Jimin woke up first, with a Cough creeping in his throat, and the usual feeling of throwing up, so he rushed to the toilet to empty his stomach. However, this time, instead of food, there was blood coming out.

He was shocked, this was a valid proof that his condition was worsening by each passing day. He felt utterly helpless, there was nothing within his power that could help him change his fate.

Maybe God had His own reasons. Perhaps He loved him that's why he gave him this sickness, allowing him to pass away and be reborn into a much better life.

Maybe, just maybe that's the reason why.

He stood in a long pause, trying to recover from his shocked state. Exiting the room, he found his best friend sound asleep. For the first time, Jimin was thankful that Jungkook had never loved him because if he did, it would be much harder for him to let go.

And for Jungkook to watch him die.

Jimin entered his small kitchen to prepare some breakfast. He didn't know much about cooking and stuff, but he knew the basics.

He prepared two plates of fried eggs with toast and brewed two cups of coffee. Sitting at the small kitchen table, he began to eat, knowing he would need the energy for a long conversation with his best friend.

After taking a couple of bites of his food, Jimin heard some small inaudible footsteps, as if it was trying to hide its voice. He turned around to find Jungkook walking with his head between his two legs. He took a deep breath and turned around.

"Come sit, I prepared breakfast," said Jimin, not giving a second glance at his best friend as he focused on his own food.

Jungkook sat down slowly, eyeing his own plate, having no appetite to eat anything.

"Why are you avoiding me, Hyung?" Jimin finally asked, his voice trembling.

"I didn't," replied Jungkook, his voice wavering.

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